About 한국현대도예가회
사단법인 한국현대도예가회는 1978년 10월부터 지금까지 35년간 우리나라 도예계의 발전을 위해 많은 활동을 해오고 있습니다.
본 앱에는 한국현대도예가회의 소개, 회원정보 및 갤러리, 전시회정보등이 알차게 담겨져 있으니 여러분의 많은 활용 바랍니다.
Korean Contemporary Ceramic Artists Assocation, which has been doing many activities for development of Korean Ceramic Art, for 35 yesrs until now.
This app is a portal of information about KCCAA and KCCAA members profile. Hope many of you take advantage of this app. The Contemporary Ceramic Artists Association Korea October 1978 until now, 35 years for the development of Korea doyegye many activities have been.
Contained introduce modern potters conference, membership information, and galleries, exhibitions, and most of this App, so many of you, please take advantage of.
Korean Contemporary Ceramic Artists Assocation, which has been doing many activities for development of Korean Ceramic Art, for 35 yesrs until now.
This app is a portal of information about KCCAA and KCCAA members profile. Hope many of you take advantage of this app.