About Fikih Taharah 4 Mazhab
Deskripsi Singkat:
Fikih Taharah Empat Mazhab (pendapat masing-masing mazhab beserta dalil) + pengenalan Fikih + profil singkat Empat Imam Mazhab Fikih
Deskripsi Lengkap:
Aplikasi referensi untuk Anda dalam mengenali fikih, profil empat imam mazhab fikih dan pendapat empat mazhab seputar bab taharah.
Bagian pengenalan fikih akan menyajikan:
⎫ Definisi Ilmu Fikih
⎫ Hukum-Hukum dalam Fikih
⎫ Sumber-Sumber Hukum Fikih
⎫ Tujuan Ilmu Fikih
⎫ Objek Ilmu Fikih
⎫ Perkembangan Ilmu Fikih
⎫ Mazhab Fikih
Bagian profil empat imam mazhab fikih akan menyajikan:
⎫ Imam Abu Hanifah
⎫ Imam Malik bin Anas
⎫ Imam Syafi'i
⎫ Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal
Pada masing-masing profil akan menampilkan kelahiran, nasab, tampilan fisik, mata pencaharian, akhlak, masa mencari dan menyampaikan ilmu, karya-karya dan wafat masing-masing imam.
Bagian Taharah akan menyajikan:
⎫ Pengantar Taharah
⎫ Air
⎫ Najis
⎫ Hadas
⎫ Wudu
⎫ Mandi
⎫ Tayamum
⎫ Haid, Nifas dan Istihadah
Pada bagian ini akan disajikan pendapat empat mazhab beserta dalil seputar pembahasan tersebut. Dalil yang berasal dari Quran hanya menyajikan nomor surah dan ayat beserta terjemahannya. Dalil yang berasal dari Hadis hanya menyajikan nomor hadis, periwayat dan terjemahannya saja, tidak mencantumkan kualitas hadis.
No. HP:
082311657385 Brief Description:
The four schools of Fiqh Taharah (opinion of each school along with the proposition) + introduction of Jurisprudence + short profiles four schools of Fiqh Imam
Full Description:
Applications for your reference in recognizing jurisprudence, the four imams of the Islamic school profile and the opinion of the four schools around taharah chapter.
Jurisprudence introduction section will present:
⎫ Definition of Jurisprudence Sciences
⎫ Laws in Jurisprudence
⎫ Legal Resource Jurisprudence
⎫ Interest Jurisprudence Sciences
⎫ Objects Jurisprudence Sciences
Jurisprudence Science Development ⎫
⎫ Schools of Jurisprudence
The profile section of the four imams of the Islamic school will present:
⎫ Imam Abu Hanifah
⎫ Imam Malik bin Anas
⎫ Imam Shafi'i
⎫ Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal
In each profile will show the birth, nasab, physical appearance, livelihood, morality, the search for and deliver knowledge, works and death of each priest.
Taharah section will present:
Introduction ⎫ Taharah
⎫ Air
⎫ Unclean
⎫ Hadas
⎫ Wudu
⎫ Shower
⎫ Tayamum
⎫ Haid, Ruling and Istihadah
In this section will be presented along with the opinion of the four schools of postulate about the discussions. Evidence derived from the Koran serves only sura and verse numbers, and its translations. Evidence comes from the Hadith only presents a number of hadith, narrators and the translation only, does not include the quality of the hadith.
No. HP: