About Clueout
Clueout is a sure way of staying comfortable whereever you are.
Get notified about the available services of your interest while travelling, and receive all updates from your favorite service providers while in your Town of residence.
Clueout saves you from routinely checking a local store for new stock or upcoming specials, and while on trip in another town, you simply update your list of interest and wait for notifications.
Check the notifications only at your convenience. When you are ready, Call and Navigate to a service of your choice.
We all have daily interests, while stationed in a particular town or travelling; Clueout provides quick, easy and comfortable way to keep up-to-date with your services and products of interest.
With Clueout, users can;
-Track the performance of their posts,
-Use stored contacts to make calls to businesses,
-Perform edits to inputs,
-See business location of a map,
-Share with friends and clients an invitation to connect using the app.
And so much more
by T####:
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