About Universitas Islam Jember (UIJ)
Universitas Islam Jember didirikan oleh Yayasan Pendidikan Nahdlatul Ulama Jember pada tahun akademik 1984/1985, dengan membuka 5 Fakultas, yaitu : Fakultas Pertanian, Fakultas Hukum, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Fakultas Ilmu Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan serta Fakultas Tarbiyah.
Pendiriannya adalah atas prakarsa para ulama dan para cendekiawan yang bergabung dalam Organisasi Ikatan Sarjana Islam Indonesia (ISII) merupakan realisasi salah satu prioritas program Pengurus Cabang Nahdlatul Ulama Jember tahun pengabdian 1983-1986.
Gagasan yang mendorong didirikannya Universitas Islam Jember dilandasi dengan melihat secara sadar tentang kenyataan kuantitas dan kualitas Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Atas (SLTA), khususnya dilingkungan Al-Ma’arif Jember yang semakin tahun condong bertambah dan lebih meyakinkan perkembangannya. Disamping itu, harapan-harapan para pengurus majelis wakil cabang NU se-cabang Jember dalam pertemuan-pertemuan resmi maupun dalam kesempatan silaturrahmi, apalagi konferensi periodik pengurus cabang NU Jember pada tanggal 4 September 1983, memprioritaskan pembenahan dan pembimbingan lembaga pendidikan serta rencana pendirian perguruan tinggi dilingkungan Nahdlatul Ulama. Jember Islamic University was established by the Education Foundation of Nahdlatul Ulama Jember in the academic year 1984/1985, with opening five faculties, namely the Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education and Faculty of MT.
Its establishment was on the initiative of the scholars and intellectuals who joined the Organization of the Islamic Association of Indonesia (ISII) is the realization of one of the priority programs of the Nahdlatul Ulama Branch Executive Jember years of service from 1983 to 1986.
The idea is to encourage the establishment of the Islamic University of Jember consciously based on the view of the reality of the quantity and quality of upper secondary education (SLTA), in particular Al-Maarif Jember environment increasingly leaning in increased and more convincing development. Besides that, the expectations of the board assembly representatives NU branches throughout the branch Jember in official meetings as well as the opportunity silaturrahmi, let alone a conference periodic branch managers NU Jember on September 4, 1983, to prioritize improvements and coaching education institutions as well as the planned establishment of colleges Nahdlatul Ulama environment.