About udn 讀小說
App 主要特色有:
1. 只要登入 udn 會員,就能輕鬆管理您收藏的小說。
2. 無論是手機還是平板電腦,只要登入 udn 會員,即可同步所有藏書架。
3. 可線上閱讀所有 udn 讀小說作品,並接受最新強打作品資訊與編輯推薦作品。
4. 您更可以將免費或已付費的小說章節設定為離線模式,並在離線時進行閱讀。 "Udn reading novels Website" (http://novel.udn.com) official App.
"Udn reading novels" App can set your favorite novel offline reading mode, better synchronized "online bookshelf possession" and "possession offline bookshelf", so you can easily read novels offline.
udn read novels provide rich content of the novel: would love, through the court, youth campus, martial arts history, science fiction fantasy, suspense thriller, creative literature.
App main features are:
1 Just sign udn member, you can easily manage your favorite novel.
2. Whether mobile or tablet computer, just log udn member, you can synchronize all hidden shelves.
3 can be read online all udn read novels, and receive the latest information and strong play works Editor works.
4 You can also be free or paid for fiction section is set to offline mode, and read offline.
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