About Gk In Hindi
Gk In Hindi is one of the best and most trending pt preparation app available today in Hindi for UPSC, UPPSC, BPSC, HPSC, IBPS, SSC, RPSC, MPPSC and many more. Gk in Hindi provide latest content for all the competetitive exams in hindi language. Gk In Hindi app may play a very helpful role in preperation of UPSC, UPPSC, BPSC, HPSC, RPSC, MPPS, CIBPS, SSC, Lower Subordinate, Upper Subordinate, IAS, PCS and may other Exams. GK Hindi (General Knowledge) app will cover all the topics like Indian History, General Science, Geography, Indian Constitution and Paryavaran etc. all the latest General Knowledge required for competitive exams.
Gk in Hindi is dedicated to provide objective type questions asked in various competitive exams such as UPSC, UPPSC, BPSC, HPSC, RPSC, MPPS, GPSC, CIBPS, SSC, Lower Subordinate, Upper Subordinate, IAS, PCS, SSC, CIBPS, CDS, NDA, CLAT, C SAT, CAT, GCET, RBI(Reserve Bank of India), Railway and Post Office Exam. GK in Hindi (General Knowledge) app will be updated on regular basis in order to add more value and questions in the interest of users. You will be given live score card in Gk in Hindi app immediately after the exam with details like No of Correct answers and No of wrong answers.
Let's improve your general knowledge just playing simple game (Gk in Hindi) on our national language. The GK in Hindi is must have app for GK buffs. App include approx more than 4000 questions. Currently we are trying to add more and more question in Indian History, geography, polity, science and economics. Let's play and improve your General knowledge in Hindi. We wish U Luck.
GK In Hindi
by L####:
Great app