REI – Shop Outdoor Gear for Android
doesn't work in landscape mode
Exactly what I expect in a modern shopping app. Easy nav. Easy search. Tons of pictures. Tons of reviews. Great checkout setup. Love it.
I can not check out in the app
Great AP
App doesn't let me load my account or checkout, all I get is "woops, something went terribly wrong over here, try later"... and during the anniversary sale, too, bummer!
App is easy to use and easy to learn all the ins and outs from both the companies and actual users of each product.
I love REI and their app. Easy to maneuver and make purchases.
App is great but it won't let me see reviews of products.
More useful than you would expect
Good UX except for reviews
REI Coop is a great company with great products services & competitive prices I've been a member for over 30years. Their app is also very well designed easy to navigate. My only complaint is the pics and size info isn't very concise ...
They've added some useful features. Recently all the promotional messages started giving me gibberish error text.
Great app, live too far from an REI. And i love thier products.
Most retarded recaptcha ever.
Easy to use with good product description
Best gear!
REI is awesome
A very useful and well written shopping app for REI. The lack of consistent size charts in the clothing sections makes it a 4 star review. Too often I see that some article of clothing is available in S, M, L, XL with no size charts specify the corresponding measurements....
REI really is the best. Not the cheapest, but the quality is really good.
I find this to be very useful and I'm proud to be a member of REI
Loved the app when first released, but last few updates won't actually allow me to purchase anything ("whoops, something went wrong, try again later" but later never comes) so I have to log in through a browser to actually complete my purchase. Good for looking up what's in the store though, so at least gets an extra star.
I love this app as it lets me so easily spend money on gear...hate this app for the same reason. My only complaint is that it won't rotate to landscape mode on my tablet.
Our family does all of our outdoor clothing shopping here. We love REI
Worked amazingly for a while but lately I haven't been able to even navigate past the opening, wish they would fix it. Edit: The update fixed what ever issue was happening, this is an amazing app and super convenient to use when ordering gear or checking stuff out.
I love REI. I used to love this app. Lately I can't read reviews in the app; they appear to be missing. Rated this app low in hopes that someone will read the review and fix the issue. Otherwise, this is a great app.
I love REI.... the easy to use app. is just another reason to love them more! I really like the message center and easy access to REI Garage. Bravo!
Because I have it. And this app is very good at allowing me to browse through all that glorious REI gear.
Kind of difficult to navigate. I was searching for in store classes and eventually just gave up.
Good work.
It works well for exceeds expectations for buying stuff.
Awsome stuff
Not only does the app make shopping easier, I can use the wishlists to keep track of wanted items (and previous purchases). It's also nice to be able to get descriptive info on store items without always having to rely on a sales associate.
Nice app, now if we could utilize lize mobile payments with our phones at your retail stores that would be nice. Samsung Pay comes to mind but I'm sure Apple folks would also like to use their phones as well to pay. As of a month ago it was a no go to pay via mobile device. I was told by a C/S cashier, we are not set up to take mobile payments? UPDATE: As of 10/28/16, mobile payments still do not work...3 stars
This app is very sleek and streamlined. Easy to use, easy to find what one is looking for. The app connects you to your local store as well, for even more ease and convience. Hands down, love it.
Sort and filter should allow you to view and item and return to the section in the list you were at instead of jumping back to the top
Love this app. Hate that it says there are x amount of reviews and when you click to read them, no reviews show up. Very annoying.
Easy app to brows ads as well as purchase. Like how I can add my REI MasterCard and it connects my membership.
The app is fast and allows me to have the best rei shopping experience
Great app. Very easy to use and does its job.
by D####:
Great quality better runs.