河本準一の実践韓国語~イラっとくる韓国語講座~超効率学習 中 for Android
テレビ東京「イラっとくる韓国語講座」から誕生した学習アプリ第二弾!すでに大好評をいただいている「河本準一の実践韓国語 イラっとくる韓国語講座 超効率学習」の中級編です!河本くんも企画・構想段階から全面参加!!簡単な韓国語は覚えられたけど、そこから先の勉強が大変ですぐに挫折してしまう。せっかく参考書でみっちり勉強して長いセリフを覚えたのに、現実で使えるようなセリフではない。みなさんのこれまでのそんな経験や意見に鮮やかにお応えしたアプリです。
① 例文も全て本当に使える韓国語で、イラ韓スタッフ一同の、豊富な韓国ロケや、旅行の経験に基づき、韓国に行っても流暢に会話できる様になる韓国語会話を完全網羅。「すみません、ちょっと冷房が直接当たって、寒すぎるんですけど、ちょっと温度上げてもらってもいいですか?」などの本当に使える韓国語が600例文。食事、宿泊、移動・韓流スターに会う、という場面別で会話を収録しています。K‐POPスターのライブや、ファンミで楽しむための会話も満載。韓流ファンにもおススメです!
② 現在、韓国の日常会話でリアルに使われている会話(標準語)のみを確実に収録するため、複数の韓国人スタッフによる監修を実現。最近使わない表現や、文章でしか使わない言葉などは徹底排除。
③ 各文章に、日本語訳や単語・文法の説明だけでなく、韓国語の真下に日本語の直訳(スラッシュ訳)を載せることで、どの単語がどんな意味なのかが視覚的に分かりやすくなる、効率良くラクに勉強できる学習アプリを実現しました!
④ リアルなスピードと、聞き取りやすいスピードの2段階の音声を全てプロのナレータの音声により収録!クリアな音声の韓国語が聞けスピーディーな学習が期待できます。さらにその文章を見ながらの学習も可能です。
⑤ テストによる実力チェック。
⑥ さらに、学習をしっかりした人だけが聞ける、中級アプリ限定の「イラっとフレーズ」を収録!イラ韓制作スタッフ陣が実際に書き、河本くんが読み上げあげる、本物のイラ韓ワールドが炸裂します。
1. まずは単語と文法を詳しくチェック!
2. とにかく会話を何回も聞く。歌と同じで聞けば聞くだけ覚えます。さらに、会話を繰り返し聞くことで、番組非公開、秘蔵のイラっとカードを入手!
3. 分からない文があったら、もう1度単語と文法を詳しくチェック
4. 会話をひたすら聞いた後はテストで力試し!間違えた文はマイページに保存されます。また、テストで満点を取っていくと、スペシャル画像も手に入るので、是非、全部集めましょう。
(C)テレビ東京 (C)吉本興業
[About terminal of OS 4.1 or more]Second bullet learning app was born from the "Korean courses Innovation comes of it" TV Tokyo! It is the intermediate hen "Korean ultra-efficient learning course that comes Innovation practice Korean Ira of Junichi Kawamoto," which have received great popularity already! Kawamoto kun full participation from the planning and conceptual stage! ! Easy Korean was remembered, but I end up frustrated immediately study of target location is very from there. Although I remember the long lines to study very hard in the reference book with much effort, it is not a dialogue, such as use in reality. It is an application that you respond vividly to such experiences and opinions so far of all of you.
The biggest feature is that "in detail three stages ⇒ listening test of sentence identification ⇒ conversation, learning that are tailored to the level of their possible." And.
In Korean that can be used really all the ① sentence, Ira Korean staff, and rich South Korea location, based on the experience of travel, full cover Korean conversation to become like you can talk fluently you go to Korea. 600 example sentence Korean that can be used really, "I'm sorry, cooling is directly hit a little, I too cold, but I? May I ask to raise the temperature a little" and. I have recorded the conversation in another scene food, accommodation, and, meet the movement and Korean stars. Live and K-POP Star, conversation for you to enjoy in the Fanmi also full. It is recommended to Korean fans!
② currently, in order to ensure that recording only (Mandarin), realize the supervision by the Korean staff of more than one conversation that is used in real in everyday speech of Korea. Expressions and do not use recently, and do not use words only in the text thoroughly eliminated.
By the ③ each sentence, as well as description of the word-grammar and Japanese translation, to put literal translation of the Japanese the (slash translation) beneath the Korean, it is easy to understand visually what words whether that means what , I realized learning application that can be easy to study efficiently!
I record the voice of the narrator of professional and all speeds ④ real, the sound of the two-step speed easy to hear! I can expect to learn speedy listen to Korean clear voice. Learning while watching the text even is possible.
The ability check by ⑤ test.
In the learning stage 3, tailored to their ability, effective learning is realized! Where you make a mistake in the test is registered to my page, you can review effectively only the part that I do not remember.
Even Ikizuma~tsu to study further, polite learning advice in full, is not troubled!
In addition ⑥, I collect only the person who firmly learning hear, the "Innovation phrase it" intermediate application limitation! Ira Korean production staff team is to actually write, Kawamoto kun'll read, Ira Korean real world will explode.
Flow of learning
1. First details check the grammar and word!
2. Many times hear the conversation anyway. I learn as much as you listen to the same song and. In addition, by listening repeatedly conversation and get the card Innovation Ira program private, treasured!
3. If there is any statement you do not know, in detail and check the grammar and word again
4. The test of strength in the test after listening intently conversation! Statement you make a mistake will be saved in the My Page. In addition, As you got full marks in the test, because special image into the hand, by all means, let's do everything.
(C) TV Tokyo (C) Yoshimoto Kogyo