About Anime Boy Wallpapers
Cool and colorful anime boy wallpapers with graphics from your favorite anime series to fit your phone and tablet devices. Anime boy wallpapers include your favourite characters like KAEDE RUKAWA, OOTORI KYOUYA, KURORO LUCILFER, SPIKE SPIEGEL, JIN, KUNIMITSU TEZUKA & ECHIZEN RYOMA, KAMINA, YAGAMI LIGHT and much more.
There is a tag button in the detail view of the app that contains different tags to find your favorite anime characters with these tags like, anime that have “wings”, anime with “weapon”, “yellow_eye” anime wallpapers, anime “tail” wallpapers, “pink_hair” anime wallpapers, blonde_hair anime wallpapers, green_eyes, anime with scarf, solo anime, anime face, anime dress, multiple girls etc etc.
Anime boy wallpapers app is designed to:
- Zoom image, support both tap zoom and pinch zoom.
- Set these images as your phone or tablets desktop backgrounds.
- Save your favorite images to photo gallery.
- App provide a facility to share these images with friends using facebook, Email etc.
- Changing image color with amazing image coloring effect.
Some words about Anime: Anime (Japanese: アニメ?, [anime] is Japanese hand-drawn or computer animation. The word is the abbreviated pronunciation of "animation" in Japanese, where this term references all animation. Outside Japan, anime is used to refer specifically to animation from Japan or as a Japanese-disseminated animation style often characterized by colorful graphics, vibrant characters and fantastical themes. Anime is a diverse art form with distinctive production methods and techniques that have been adapted over time in response to emergent technologies. It consists of an ideal story-telling mechanism, combining graphic art, characterization, cinematography, and other forms of imaginative and individualistic techniques.
Anime boy wallpapers app contains ads for development support.
Supporting Email Address: sanigalgee@gmail.com