English Vietnamese Dictionary for Android
BeeDict for iPhone, iPad : https://itunes.apple.com/vn/app/english-vietnamese-dictionary/id1182680134?mt=8
You can search for new vocabulary everywhere without any Internet connection.
Video Demo : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8ZIFHHBtSg&feature=youtu.be
The dictionary includes the following main functions.
► Includes transcriptions and audio pronunciation.
► Function translated sentences, paragraphs from English to Vietnamese and vice versa.
► Image Search help you remember a word through a picture
► Vietnamese English dictionary contains more than 200,000 words
► With the vocabulary reminder function daily you can learn vocabulary easier.
► Allow open quickly search window. It supports you to translate while reading English newspapers or English book
Lacking of vocab
by T####:
ung dung rat tot, chay muot va nhieu chuc nang hay nhu daily word, ...