More downloads Geothermal Glycol Calculator reached 100 - 500 downloads
Version update Geothermal Glycol Calculator was updated to version 1.04
More downloads Geothermal Glycol Calculator reached 50 - 100 downloads
What are users saying about Geothermal Glycol Calculator
A70% by A####:
I have always dreaded the calculation to adjust antifreeze concentration, converting from volume to mass and then hit a moving target only to have to convert back to volume, such a pain. With this app I punch in three simple numbers and it is done. Thanks guys this is great.
X70% by X####:
This app works great and is a big time saver in the field. It seems accurate and eliminates a lot of complicated math to adjust antifreeze concentration.
by A####:
I have always dreaded the calculation to adjust antifreeze concentration, converting from volume to mass and then hit a moving target only to have to convert back to volume, such a pain. With this app I punch in three simple numbers and it is done. Thanks guys this is great.