About Triffla ke Fayde
The Vedic rule of making Triphala, the loss of Triphala,
What is Triphala, how does Triphala help,
Immuno - Modulator, anti - oxidant, indigestion, constipation,
Worm / Insect and Infection, Anemia, Diabetes, Obesity,
Skin problems, respiratory problems, headaches,
Cancer, intake method, proportion of Triphala,
The right rule of taking triphala, eye-cutting, rinse,
Caution, triphala mixture of three fruits,
Triphala to stay healthy
triphala banaane ka vaidik niyam, triphala ke nukasaan,
triphala kya hai, triphala kaise madad karata hai,
imyoono - modayooletar, entee - okseedent, apachan, kabja,
vorm/keede aur sankraman, eneemiya, madhumeh, motaapa,
tvacha kee samasya, saans sambandhee samasya mein, siradard,
kainsar, sevan vidhi, triphala ka anupaat,
triphala lene ka sahee niyam, netr-prakshalan, kulla karana,
saavadhaanee, triphala teen phalon ka mishran,
svasth rahane ke lie triphala