About TriCord
Ever missed out on important notes, tips or events because you didn't have enough time to write them down?
Ever forgot the important details of a discussion over a phone call?
Ever beat a high score of a friend on a game of flappy bird but was unable to share it for bragging rights?
The answer is here.
TriCord is the one and only app that allows 3 recording functions at the push of a button.
Features of this app:
- Floating button for voice note recording.
- Automated voice call recording.
- Screen recording.
This app contains a floating button which allows voice recording at a tap, button has to be enabled in the settings bar, allocated at the top right hand corner. Button will start blinking when voice recording is in progress. To stop recording, simply tap the button again.
By default, all calls will be recorded and saved into app.
Screen recording is done by tapping on an icon in the app which will prompt users to start recording. To stop recordings, drag the notifications bar down to stop. Does not disrupt recording once started.
To note:
All recordings done will be saved in the app.
- To rename the recording, press and hold on the recording.
- To delete, swipe left.
- To share, press on the share button located on the right side of each recording.
Screen recording is only available in android v5.0.0 and above.
This app contains ads.