Transpro Rastreador for Android
Instale no celular dos motoristas e entregadores em geral.
Rastreie a localização do entregador, as entregas realizadas com sucesso e as ocorrências,
Além disso é possível a comunicação entre a base e o motorista com envio de texto, imagem, vídeo e áudio.
Crie sua conta como Transportadora, Operador Logístico ou Embarcador em
Rastreamento Contínuo Online de Coletas, Entregas e Ocorrências com Diário de Bordo.
Online Customer Service and Logistics Tracking and Tracing + Logbook.
Pioneiro no Brasil em Hyperconnected Logistics.
Install the cell of drivers and delivery people in general.
Track the location of delivery, deliveries performed successfully and occurrences,
Also communication is possible between the base and the driver to send text, image, video and audio.
Create your account as Carrier, Logistics Operator or the Shipper in
Online tracking vests Continuous, deliveries and occurrences with Diary.
Online Customer Service and Logistics Tracking and Tracing + Logbook.
A pioneer in Brazil in hyperconnected Logistics.