Translation of all languages for Android
You can translate from English to Spanish and vice versa, but you can also translate from Spanish / Portuguese, Spanish / French, Arabic / English and many others.
To translate a word or text, simply use the keyboard of your Android smartphone or simply use your voice. With the new multi-language voice technology Google, you'll be able to translate all the words simply and without writing anything on your keyboard.
With the translator you can manually enter text or speak, you have a translator from English to Spanish and many other languages ??available in your pocket whenever you want.
Can you imagine being next to an English and recording your voice and translating it?
Here are some features of our new application android translator of all languages:
*Translate words and phrases
* Translate your voice
* Translator text pronunciation
* Translation between languages ??in a simple way
* Translation is in real time
* Very simple to use, you do not need to look at a tutorial to learn how to translate a word because it is already very simple.
* Our application is free and you can use it now without paying anything!
* Several languages ??beyond the current one
* Translated by voice and text, then you will only speak and we will respond quickly.
-The interface is simple and stylish.
-The translations are done instantly.
-The application is totally free.
-Posibility to copy the translated text by using one button.
-Posibility to delete the text by clicking one button.
-You can translate from 90 different languages.
-You can listen translations.
Our translator is really the best! It will allow you to speak and translate more 10 languages ??in a simple and effective way and also to write what you need to translate.