About Қуръон - Quran Tajik
Assalamu ба ҳар кас alaikum. Оё ту Қуръон бихонӣ, аз Рӯҳулқудс Қуръони Шариф мунтазам? Агар он ҳа, пас мо дар ин ҷо ба шумо кӯмак бихонӣ Қуръон majid роҳи қулай.
Шумо метавонед тамоми Қуръони Шариф дар аризаи ал-Қуръон тоҷик даст. хонандагон ҳавасманд метавонанд ин барномаро бо ҳамагӣ чанд расад, ки ба онҳо кӯмак мекунад, ки Худа боз илова ба Қуръон дастрасӣ пайдо кунед. Мо ҳоло пешбари busiest ҳаёт, ки баъзан мо метавонем дар болишти ночизи мо ба амал намеоварад, муқаддас Қуръон Mazeed. Дар чунин шароит, агар ба мо лозим аст ягон шакк Қуръон дар ҳар лаҳза, пас миёна ё чизе мисли миёна Қуръон ба мо лозим аст, ки метавонанд тамоми Қуръони муқаддас дар як бадан нигоҳ доред. Шумо танҳо метавонед истифода аз ин барнома барои решакан ин гуна душвор. Ин аст, ки чӣ тавр ин барнома метавонад ба шумо кӯмак кунед.
Ҳар кас медонад, ки мекунанд, ҳамагӣ 6236 ayats дар Al-Қуръон вуҷуд дорад ва як хонанда даҳ sawab барои як ҳарфи Қуръон ба даст. Наҷунбон, муқаддас Қуръони Шариф: «ҳеҷ шакке, ки Қуръон Шариф беҳтарин дастур дар ин дунё нест». ариза Al-Қуръон тоҷик мо нигоҳ роҳ монанд шакли китоби Қуръон majeed худ нигоҳ. Пас, як хонанда, то ягон мушкилӣ дар замони хондани дучор намешаванд. Аз ин рӯ, бо иззату эҳтиром, шумо метавонед онро ба воситаи барномаи хондани ал-Қуръон тоҷик моро мисли китоби Қуръони Шариф шумо хонда пеш нигоҳ доранд.
Вижагиҳо :
1. Ҷустуҷӯ аз сураи
2. Ҷустуҷӯ аз рӯи Мавзӯъ / калима
3. Hafizi Қуръон (банди / Juz & Рӯйхати сураи)
4. Play ояти аудио аз тарафи ояти
5. аудио Play
6. Bookmark шакк / ояти
7. Share шакк / ояти
8. Се reciters аудио иловашуда
- Абдуллоҳ Ҷобир Алӣ
- Маҳер Al-Muaiqly
- Абдул Рахман Al-Sudais
Assalamu alaikum to everyone. Do you recite the Holy Quran Sharif regularly? If it’s yes, then we are here to help you reciting Quran majid more convenient way.
You can get the whole Quran Sharif in our Al-Quran Tajik application. Interested readers may access this application with just a few touches that will help them add more inclination to Quran. We are now leading busiest life that sometimes we can not carry holy Quran Mazeed in our tiny bag. In this circumstance, if we need any ayat of Quran at any moment, then the medium or something like the medium of Quran we need, that can hold the whole holy Quran in a body. You can just use this application to eradicate this kind of difficulty. This is how this application can help you.
Every one knows that, there are totally 6236 ayats in Al-Quran and a reader will get ten sawab for one letter of Quran. Recitation of the holy Quran Sharif: "There is no doubt that Quran Sharif is the best guide in this world". Our Al-Quran Tajik application maintains the way like the book form of Quran majeed maintains itself. So a reader might not face any problem in the time of recitation. Hence, with honour and respect, you can keep it reading through our Al-Quran Tajik application as like as you read the book of Quran Sharif before.
Features :
1. Search by Sura
2. Search by Topic/word
3. Hafizi quran (Para / Juz & Sura List)
4. Play audio verse by verse
5. Play audio
6. Bookmark ayat / verse
7. Share ayat / verse
8. Three reciters audio added
- Abdullah Ali Jaber
- Maher Al-Muaiqly
- Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais Assalamu ba ҳar kas alaikum. Oё the Қuron bihonӣ, az Rӯҳulқuds Қuroni Sharif Muntaza? Agar he ҳa, pass mo ba gift Ying ҷo noise- kӯmak bihonӣ Қuron majid roҳi қulay.
Noise- metavoned Tam Қuroni gift Arizal Sharif al-Қuron toҷik give. honandagon ҳavasmand metavonand John barnomaro bo ҳamagӣ Chand Rasada, ki ba onҳo kӯmak mekunad, Hood Boz ki ba ylic Қuron dastrasӣ Paid kuned. Mo ҳolo peshbari busiest ҳaёt, ki mo bazan metavonem gift bolishti nochizi mo ba amal nameovarad, muқaddas Қuron Mazeed. Gift Chunin Sharow, agar ba mo Losimo ast yagon Sciacca Қuron gift ҳar laҳza, pass Miyona e chize misli Miyona Қuron ba mo Losimo ast, ki metavonand Tam Қuroni muқaddas gift yak saxifrage nigoҳ dored. Noise- tanҳo metavoned istifoda al Ying Ying barnoma Baro reshakan guna dushvor. John ast, ki chӣ brands John barnoma metavonad ba noise- kӯmak kuned.
Ҳar kas medonad, mekunand ki, ҳamagӣ 6236 ayats gift Al-Қuron vuҷud dorado honanda wa yak yak daҳ sawab Baro ҳarfi Қuron ba give. Naҷunbon, muқaddas Қuroni Sharif: "ҳeҷ Sciacca ki Қuron Sharif beҳtarin Dastur gift Ying dunyo Nest." Ariza Al-Қuron toҷik mo nigoҳ roҳ monand Shaklee whaler Қuron majeed thin nigoҳ. Paz, yak honanda then yagon mushkilӣ gift Zamon hondani duchor nameshavand. Az John rӯ, more Izzat eҳtirom, noise- metavoned onro ba vositai barnomai hondani al-Қuron toҷik Moro misli whaler Қuroni Sharif noise- GMT Pesch nigoҳ dorand.
1. Sura al Ҷustuҷӯ
2. Ҷustuҷӯ al rӯi Mavzӯ / Kalim
3. Hafizi Қuron (Bandi / Juz & Rӯyhati Sura)
4. Play audio Oyat Oyat al Taraf
5. Audio Play
6. Bookmark Sciacca / Ojať
7. Share Sciacca / Ojať
8. Xie reciters audio ilovashuda
- Abdulloҳ Ҷobir Alӣ
- Maҳer Al-Muaiqly
- Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais
Assalamu alaikum to everyone. Do you recite the Holy Quran Sharif regularly? If it's yes, then we are here to help you reciting Quran majid more convenient way.
You can get the whole Quran Sharif in our Al-Quran Tajik application. Interested readers may access this application with just a few touches that will help them add more inclination to Quran. We are now leading busiest life that sometimes we can not carry holy Quran Mazeed in our tiny bag. In this circumstance, if we need any ayat of Quran at any moment, then the medium or something like the medium of Quran we need, that can hold the whole holy Quran in a body. You can just use this application to eradicate this kind of difficulty. This is how this application can help you.
Every one knows that, there are totally 6236 ayats in Al-Quran and a reader will get ten sawab for one letter of Quran. Recitation of the holy Quran Sharif: "There is no doubt that Quran Sharif is the best guide in this world". Our Al-Quran Tajik application maintains the way like the book form of Quran majeed maintains itself. So a reader might not face any problem in the time of recitation. Hence, with honour and respect, you can keep it reading through our Al-Quran Tajik application as like as you read the book of Quran Sharif before.
1. Search by Sura
2. Search by Topic / word
3. Hafizi quran (Para / Juz & Sura List)
4. Play audio verse by verse
5. Play audio
6. Bookmark ayat / verse
7. Share ayat / verse
8. Three reciters audio added
- Abdullah Ali Jaber
- Maher Al-Muaiqly
- Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais
by D####:
Рахмат хело хубааст.