About Coranul română
Al salamalaikum pentru toată lumea. A face tu recita Sfântul Coran Sharif în mod regulat? Dacă este da, atunci noi suntem aici pentru a vă ajuta recita Coranul Majid mod mai convenabil.
Puteți obține întreg Coranul Sharif în cererea noastră românească Al-Coran. Cititorii interesați pot accesa această aplicație cu doar câteva atingeri care îi va ajuta să adăugați mai multe înclinație spre Coran. Suntem lider acum cele mai aglomerate viață pe care, uneori, nu putem transporta Coranul Sfânt Mazeed în sacul nostru minuscul. În această situație, dacă avem nevoie de ayat Coranului în orice moment, atunci mediul sau ceva asemănător cu mediul Coranului avem nevoie, care poate deține tot Coranul cel sfânt într-un corp. Aveți posibilitatea să utilizați doar această aplicație pentru a eradica acest tip de dificultate. Acesta este modul în care această aplicație vă poate ajuta.
Fiecare știe că, există în total 6236 Ayats în Al-Coran și un cititor va primi zece sawab pentru o literă din Coran. Recitarea Coranului sfânt Sharif: "Nu există nici o îndoială că Coranul Sharif este cel mai bun ghid în această lume". Aplicația noastră românească Al-Coran susține modul cum ar fi forma de carte de Coran Majeed se menține. Deci, un cititor s-ar putea să nu se confrunte cu nici o problemă în timpul recitării. De aceea, cu onoare și respect, puteți să-l păstrați citind aplicația noastră de Al-Coran românesc așa cum ca și cum ai citit cartea Coranului înainte de Sharif.
Caracteristici :
1. Căutare după Sura
2. Căutare după subiect / cuvânt
3. Hafizi Quran (Para / Juz & Sura Listă)
4. Redare audio vers de vers
5. Redare audio
6. Bookmark ayat / versuri
7. ayat Share / versuri
8. Trei recitatori adăugate audio
- Abdullah Ali Jaber
- Maher Al-Muaiqly
- Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais
Assalamu alaikum to everyone. Do you recite the Holy Quran Sharif regularly? If it’s yes, then we are here to help you reciting Quran majid more convenient way.
You can get the whole Quran Sharif in our Al-Quran Romanian application. Interested readers may access this application with just a few touches that will help them add more inclination to Quran. We are now leading busiest life that sometimes we can not carry holy Quran Mazeed in our tiny bag. In this circumstance, if we need any ayat of Quran at any moment, then the medium or something like the medium of Quran we need, that can hold the whole holy Quran in a body. You can just use this application to eradicate this kind of difficulty. This is how this application can help you.
Every one knows that, there are totally 6236 ayats in Al-Quran and a reader will get ten sawab for one letter of Quran. Recitation of the holy Quran Sharif: "There is no doubt that Quran Sharif is the best guide in this world". Our Al-Quran Romanian application maintains the way like the book form of Quran majeed maintains itself. So a reader might not face any problem in the time of recitation. Hence, with honour and respect, you can keep it reading through our Al-Quran Romanian application as like as you read the book of Quran Sharif before.
Features :
1. Search by Sura
2. Search by Topic/word
3. Hafizi quran (Para / Juz & Sura List)
4. Play audio verse by verse
5. Play audio
6. Bookmark ayat / verse
7. Share ayat / verse
8. Three reciters audio added
- Abdullah Ali Jaber
- Maher Al-Muaiqly
- Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais The salamalaikum for everyone. Do you recite the Quran Sharif regularly? If yes, then we are here to help you recite the Quran Majid convenient way.
You can get the whole Quran Sharif Al-Qur'an Romanian our request. Interested readers can access this application with just a few touches that will help them add more inclination towards Qur'an. We are now leading the busiest life that sometimes we can not carry Mazeed Holy Quran in our tiny bag. In this situation, if we need ayat of the Qur'an at any time, the environment or similar environment we need Qur'an that can hold all the holy Qur'an in a body. You can only use this app to eradicate this type of difficulty. This is how this app can help.
Everyone knows that there are a total of 6236 in Al-Quran Ayats and ten sawab reader will receive a letter in the Qur'an. Recitation of Holy Quran Sharif: "There is no doubt that the Quran Sharif is the best guide in this world." Romanian our application supports Al-Quran how would form book Quran Majeed is maintained. So, a reader might not face any problem during recitation. Therefore, with honor and respect, you can keep reading Al-Quran our application as Romanian as you read Quran before Sharif.
Characteristics :
1. Search by Sura
2. Search by topic / word
3. Hafizi Quran (Para / Juz & Grey List)
4. Play audio line of verse
5. Audio Playback
6. Bookmark ayat / verse
7. ayat Share / lyrics
8. Three reciters added audio
- Abdullah Ali Jaber
- Maher Al-Muaiqly
- Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais
Assalamu alaikum to everyone. Do you recite the Holy Quran Sharif Regularly? If it's yes, THEN we are here to help you reciting Quran Majid more convenient way.
You CAN get the whole Quran Al-Quran Sharif in Romanian our application. Interested readers apr access this application with just a FEW touches That Will Help Them inclination to add more Quran. We are now leading busiest Sometimes Life That We Can not carry holy Quran Mazeed in our tiny bag. In this circumstance, if we Need any ayat of the Quran at any time, the then Something like the medium or medium of the Quran we Need, That of can hold the whole holy Quran in the body. You Can just use this application to eradicate this kind of difficulty. This is how this application of can help you.
Every one Knows That Thera has totally 6236 in Al-Quran Ayats and the reader Will sawab get ten for one letter of the Quran. Recitation of the holy Quran Sharif: "There is no doubt Quran Sharif That is the best guide in this world." Our Al-Quran Romanian maintains application like the way the book form of Quran Majeed maintains Itself. So the reader Might not make any problem in the time of recitation. Hencse, with honor and respect, You Can Keep It Al-Quran reading through our Romanian'd like application as you read the book of Quran Sharif Before.
1. Search by Sura
2. Search by Topic / word
3. Hafizi quran (Para / Juz & Grey List)
4. Play audio verse by verse
5. Play Audio
6. Bookmark ayat / verse
7. Share ayat / verse
8. Three reciters added audio
- Abdullah Ali Jaber
- Maher Al-Muaiqly
- Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais
by U####: