About ToDoList
・完了タスクは、まとめて一括削除することができます。 It is a simple ToDo list, but useful little feature is equipped with, you can organize work and private also are collectively the "do it".
☆ task with the classification, I can organize
☆ you can manage to set the cycle over and routine work
☆ Copy the task, you can register a new
☆ You can specify the conditions, to narrow the list
■ Outline
· ToDo task, set the classification "shopping" and "work",
Can be categorized.
Classification allows you to add or edit freely.
· I can set the time and date due. It is optional for the setting of time.
, And work in a fixed weekly / monthly, I can register as a repeating task.
I set in the day / week / month cycle to repeat.
I can be set every 10 days, every week, every two weeks, and every month.
• You can configure (low / medium / high) 3 stage the priority.
The priority that you set, ☆ mark appears in the ToDo list.
· Copy the ToDo registered, you can register a new ToDo.
This is useful if you want to create a similar tasks.
• The list of ToDo list, the earliest of the date will be displayed at the top.
-I have gray display, and warning icon expiration of priority ☆ mark, deadline such as blue display that day, and easy-to-understand representation is simple and complete minutes.
• When you tap an item from the list, the operation menu will pop up.
○ detailed view of the registration details
○ Edit, Delete
○ completion / completion cancel
○ completion of repetitive tasks, setting the next date
○ To register a new task by duplicating
· I can narrow down the list specify a category, such as, do not show the complete minutes.
-Completion task, can be bulk delete together.