
東京カレンダーのワイン・スイーツ・グルメギフト Free App

Rated 4.63/5 (8) —  Free Android application by Tokyo Calendar Inc.

About 東京カレンダーのワイン・スイーツ・グルメギフト




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文房具・小物|身近だからこそ飽きのこない逸品を Is the emergence of Tokyo calendar shopping of official app!

Change your life in high quality, carefully selected selection. Shopping site of Tokyo calendar!

■ The carefully selected wine valuable in more than 400
Quirky finest red wine ★
Smarter delicious white wine select ★
Of new encounters and surprise rose ★
Elegant taste and aroma of champagne lovers also satisfied ★

● Product List
★ red wine popular best 10!
Barrel aging Pinot Noir of up to three producers of Romanee Conti apposition
Among all the world's 9,000, wine !! Beruberana Dragon Tempranillo, Vino de la Tierra, which was crowned No.1
Far the most cost performance! Chateau Rarudo
Magic drink!? Special stock limited wine of global rhea vision !! Chateau La Condamine-Bertrand Elixir 2013
To achieve the feat of victory in market value ¥ 300,000 Petrus! Chateau lock-le-Main 2010
Jean Valmont Cabernet Sauvignon that won the [top] wine in blind tasting
It's the best discount wine history. High cost performance! Feudo, Arancho Schiller
Stock Gevrey Chambertin miracle of illusion! Domaine René Bouvier, Gevrey Chambertin, Racine de Tan 2012
Continuous two years Parker [100 points] handedly [Gran van] Limited stock! Chateau de tion de Treille Grand van Rouge 2012
Dry sommelier was also wearing a 5 star without hesitation "Cabernet Sauvignon" de Bortoli Dean · VAT 9 · Cabernet Sauvignon

★ white wine popular best 10!
Korezo white Romanee Conti. Explosive popular white wine. Fontana Candida Frascati Superiore, Santa Teresa
Chardonnay is amazing. Dreadfulness atmosphere of that luxury Chablis is blend! Jean Valmont Chardonnay
Magic of white wine [grade [Montrachet] alike] Domaine de Doo Roche-Saint Verant-les-Shatonei 2012
Korezo white Monpera's white wine make the go-getter that was rebuilt wine !! legend! Chateau Tour de Miranbo - Reserve 2014
White wine !! Farerunia Sauvignon Blanc Reserva inspiring surpassing that France dynasty and premium were drinkers Loire
Is this a Pouilly Fume or Sancerre. Luxury Loire inspired! Jean Valmont Sauvignon Blanc
Dry white wine can not imitate in that building [God of cost performance]! Domaine Paul Mas Cote Mass Muscat Sec
Koshu 100% of miraculously world appeared was impressed! The name is [congratulation (Iwai)] 2014 vintage! Katsunuma brewing, Koshu-terroir Selection and holidays 2014
7 degrees Parker 100 points! Best wine of astonishment to 100% highest peak white grape! Domaine Paul Mas Cote Mass Marsanne
Compatibility with Japanese food excellent! The very popular phrase tempura ya! New Zealand exquisite Sauvignon Blanc! Dog Point Sauvignon Blanc 2014

★ Rosé popular best 10!
Delicious Rose! Feudo, Arancho-Rozato
Rosé of thick ass, which won the top wine! Jean Valmont Syrah Rosé
A must-see! Luxury bag-type wine! ? Very popular around the world, "Vernis Sage" is landing in Japan! Vernis Sage Syrah Rosé 2013 (1.5 l)
Wonderful Provence Rose, such as appearing in a movie scene! Chateau de Romurado Cuvee Marie Christine Provence Rosé
Like pink Dom Perignon! Louis Veuillot Clement de Bourgogne Rosé Perle de Aurore NV
Popular "Vernis Sage" is landing in Japan around the world! Vernis Sage Schiller Rosé 2012 (1.5 l)
Beautiful pink silky foaming! Montebello Spumante Rosé NV
Pinot Noir 100% champagne ripe ass! Jacques de France Rosé NV
Incredibly beautiful woman Madame de Pompadour also drinkers !! Moet & Chandon Brut Imperial Rosé NVMOET & CHANDON ROSE IMPERIAL

★ sparkling wine popular best 10!
Market value ¥ 30,000 Dom Perignon the most exquisite and tie apposition [Top Award] Domaine di Lawrence Clement de Limoux-les-Guremunosu NV [acrk11]
Like Dom Perignon. Earn superb [trophy]! Barudibieso Extra Brut NV
Market value ¥ 50,000 Alongside [Dom Perignon] [Top Award] legendary sparkling! Domaine Rosier Blanket de Limoux NV
World No.1 [like royal champagne] was chosen as the sparkling Jean-Louis Bararan Cuvee Royale Clement de Bordeaux Brut NV
Super hard to find. Alsace sparkling delicious ridiculously! Michel Fone Clement d'Alsace NV
Ultra-de-grade awesome sparkling finally landed! Rotary talent Brut NV
[JAL International First Class] adoption of sparkling! Henri mail Royale Perlée Brut Blanc de Blancs NV
Another of Dom Perignon! ? [Dom Perignon Rosé of phantom] special exclusive import! ! JM Gobiyaru Cuvee Prestige Rosé Millesime 2011
Ideal for daily use! Sparkling wine from that popular series appeared! Hardy's Nottage Hill Sparkling Pinot Noir Chardonnay NV
Popular and representative of the Australian sparkling! Kukato~u Ridge Black Sparkling Red Cuvee
Rozekavu~a of endangered breed !! Woo female Woo van Torres Brut Rosé Reserva

■ as it is delivered the gastronomy of that well-established store
Rarity Stock ★
Good seasoning ★

■ Suites coffee | at home elegant relaxing time
The Suites important audience of hospitality ★
Luxury take the difference in the drink | coffee, tea, juice ★

★ Suites popular best 10!
Kamakura "Rezanju" in 1982 founded the original cookie since 30 years of confidence Baumkuchen set of! Rezanju Shonan Kamakura Baumkuchen and soft cookies Kamakura pebbles
Roppongi "Ruwanju Tokyo" like Suites supremo Art Chocolat premium, such as jewelry (six)! LOUANGE TOKYO supremo Art Chocolat premium
[East Carre limited sale] Roppongi "Ruwanju Tokyo" Hall cake should be called haute couture Suites with Dom Perignon! Tokyo calendar limited LOUANGE TOKYO Matorasse
Kamakura "Rezanju" material of flavor woven rich taste caramel tart 6 pieces! Caramel tart 6 pieces of tart and sweet macadamia nuts Rezanju crunchy
Smooth cheese tart, such as the exquisite soft feeling Nishi-Azabu "Ohara et CI E" Reachizu! Ohara et CI E Executive Chef Masahiko Ohara is recommend cheese tart
Kamakura "Rezanju" elegant aroma spreads champagne truffles 6 pieces! Rezanju champagne truffles 6 pieces
At home piping hot trolley. "HAL YAMASHITA Tokyo" of Belgian luxury chocolate 100 percent use fondant chocolate 4 pieces! HAL YAMASHITA Tokyo happiness of fondant chocolate 4 pieces
Cheese cake lover must see! "Leysin fan gears hand." Name rich New York cheesecake chef! "Leysin fan gears hand." Gateau fromage 1/2
Hokkaido Butter luxury concentrated puree Kagurazaka of which was abundantly use the well-established store "ACHO" fragrant Madeleine! Kagurazaka ACHO Madeleine three Royal Tea & Orange & pistachio
German tradition cheese cake of Kamakura "Rezanju" four-layer using the cream cheese of limited production! Rezanju Aiashekke

■ Good Items | you to the appropriate quality
Appropriate tableware to gastronomy ★
Tokyo calendar carefully selected, elegant kitchen supplies ★
Stationery Accessories | a gem what timeless because it is familiar

How to Download / Install

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Android package: com.tokyocalendar.shop, download 東京カレンダーのワイン・スイーツ・グルメギフト.apk

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