About Fashion Bandung
Selamat anda beruntung bisa bertemu aplikasi ini, aplikasi ini dibuat oleh Komunitas RUPIA alias Rumah Usaha Pemuda IndonesiA. Berkomitmen memajukan UKM di Bandung terutama para Konveksiana biar produk UKM bisa dikenal di manca negara minimal di seluruh pelosok Indonesia sekaligus memfasilitasi para penduduk Indonesia yang ngebet visan ingin berbelanja fashion Bandung yang terkenal dgn Paris Van Java.
Produknya Kece, Harganya OKE bikin belanja makin asyik, buat para Pejuang UKM online alias para Reseller / Dropshiper semoga ini jadi Peluang kemitraan yang berkah, di Komunitas RUPIA ini ratusan produsen berkumpul. Ribuan produk siap di sajikan untuk agan sista yang kece, harga termurah se-Indonesia ehhh bahkan sedunia karena langsung tangan pertama, pelayanan cepat dan ramah bersahabat poko nama.
Koq Bisa??
Karena KR adalah produsen langsung, jahit sendiri, memiliki managemen sendiri plus tempat berkumpulnya para produsen jadi produknya TERLENGKAP, Murah disini BUKAN JELEK tapi karena MEMOTONG JALUR DISTRIBUSI EKSTRIM LANGSUNG KE PRODUSEN. Selamat Membuktikan !!! Kami Termurah Terlengkap Terpercaya, Terbaik & Terseru :) Menerima Reseller Dropshiper di Seluruh Indonesia. Congratulations you are lucky to meet this application, the application is made by the alias Rupia Community House Youth Business IndonesiA. Committed to promote SMEs in Singapore, especially the SMEs can Konveksiana let product known internationally minimal throughout Indonesia as well as facilitating the population of Indonesia is desperate Visan want to shop with famous fashion Bandung Paris Van Java.
Kece products, price is OK to make shopping more fun, make the SME Fighters online alias the Reseller / Dropshiper this may be a blessing partnership opportunities, in this Rupia community gathered hundreds of manufacturers. Thousands of products prepared at present to agan sista who kece, the lowest price in Indonesia ehhh even globally because of the direct first-hand, quick and friendly service friendly POKO name.
Can koq ??
Because the KR is a direct manufacturer, sewing itself, has its own management, plus a gathering place for manufacturers of finished products Complete, here is NOT BAD cheap but because CUTTING ROUTES OF EXTREME DISTRIBUTION DIRECTLY TO MANUFACTURER. Proving Congratulations !!! Our Complete Trusted Cheapest, Best & Terseru :) Receive Dropshiper Resellers throughout Indonesia.