Make A Difference Foundation, Inc (MADF) envisions a world where all children and youth have an equal opportunity to succeed at achieving their dreams.
MADF is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization dedicated to the cultural, educational, economic, and social enrichment of underserved youth. Founded in 2003, our goal is to revive hope, teach life-changing skills, and provide the love and attention our children need to become upstanding citizens in our society.
With the MADF App, you can stay connected with us even when you’re on the go:
- View upcoming MADF hosted and sponsored events
- Check out our photo galleries and videos
- Learn about our Charlotte Lemons Annual Student Scholarship (C.L.A.S.S.) Award and view past recipients
- Follow the many other ways we’re working to "Make A Difference" in our community
Download the Make A Difference Foundation, Inc. App, share with your friends and help us be the difference our children need!
You can find us on the web at www.madf.org. And be sure to:
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