SURABAYATIMES.COM kami dedikasikan bukan hanya menjadi portal informasi berita biasa. Tapi lebih dari itu, menjadi media mainstream online pertama di Kota Pahlawan yang menekankan akurasi, cover both side, reading tourism, user friendly, serta riset.
Inilah yang membuat mainstream online pertama di Kota Pahlawan melengkapi diri dengan tim yang kuat dan solid. Tim yang memiliki skill dan keahlian di bidang jurnalistik, riset media, quality assurance, monitoring & evaluation, dan jurnalis-jurnalis yang telah teruji kemampuannya di media massa. Mereka semua tergabung dalam satu tim dalam mengelola media ini menjadi media informasi yang menerapkan jurnalisme positif dan bagus. SURABAYATIMES.COM we dedicate not only the usual news information portal. But more than that, it became the first mainstream media online in City of Heroes that emphasizes accuracy, cover both side, reading tourism, user friendly, and research.
This is what makes the first mainstream online in City of Heroes equip themselves with a strong and solid team. The team that has the skills and expertise in the field of journalism, media research, quality assurance, monitoring and evaluation, and journalists who have proven their ability in the mass media. They all are members of one team in managing this media into the media information that applying positive and good journalism.