Mascarillas faciales Naturales for Android
Para ello, compran productos de belleza, en ocasiones, excesivamente caros sin saber que en su casa, especialmente en la cocina, pueden encontrar la solución para tener un cutis envidiable.
Existen diferentes mascarillas caseras que pueden ser elaborarse con frutas y verduras que no sólo realzan la belleza sino hasta nutren e hidratan la piel.
en esta aplicación tenemos diferentes máscaras faciales :
*Mascarrillas para piel seca :
Este tipo de cutis tiene una textura muy fina y poros pequeños con tendencia a provocar una sensación de tirantez especialmente después de lavar el rostro.
*Mascarillas para piel grasa :
Este tipo de cutis tiene un aspecto brillante y graso aunque esté recién lavada. Es muy propensa a tener poros dilatados, puntos negros y acné.
*Mascarillas para piel mixta
Este tipo de piel presenta un área llamada “zona T” (nariz, mentón y frente) donde hay pequeños puntos negros y grasa mientras que el resto del rostro es seco.
*Mascarilla para piel normal
Olvídese de gastar tiempo y dinero en su balneario local. El secreto para una buena piel es tan cerca como su cocina! puede realizar y aplicar y en cuestión de minutos obtendrá la belleza de su piel y la cara con estas máscaras faciales naturales caseros simples.
Mascarillas faciales Naturales es una aplicación para aquellos de nosotros que no tienen el tiempo para escaparse a un spa para relajarse, es gran solución para dar a la piel un impulso. Mejor aún, todos están hechos con ingredientes completamente no tóxicos ... de hecho, se puede comer la mayor parte de ellos!
Many women want to look at these celebrations, a beautiful, young and healthy skin.To do this, buy beauty products sometimes prohibitively expensive without knowing they can find the solution to have an enviable complexion at home, especially in the kitchen.
There are different homemade masks that can be developed with fruits and vegetables not only enhance the beauty but to nourish and hydrate the skin.
in this application have different facial masks:
* Mascarrillas for dry skin:
This type of skin has a fine texture and small pores with a tendency to cause a sensation of tightness especially after washing the face.
* Mask for oily skin:
This type of skin has a shiny, oily appearance even if it is freshly washed. It is very likely to have enlarged pores, blackheads and acne.
* Masks for combination skin
This type of skin has an area called "T zone" (nose, chin and forehead) where there are small black spots and grease while the rest of the face is dry.
* Mask for normal skin
Forget about spending time and money on your local spa. The secret to good skin is as close as your kitchen! you can make and apply in minutes and get the beauty of your skin and face with these simple homemade natural facial masks.
Natural face masks is an application for those of us who do not have the time to escape to a spa to relax, it's great solution to give the skin a boost. Better yet, all are made with completely non-toxic ingredients ... in fact, you can eat the most of them!
Nice app. Very useful and interesting...... Good
Exccellent work its simple awesome ,amazing love it. no match for this nice interface and great Idea.
Excellent work clean fast working nice interface and great Idea. I really appreciate it great work by the developer....
Awesome app and really useful
Amazing game, very exciting and funny. I love it
Excellent work clean fast working nice interface and great Idea. I really appreciate it great work by the developer....
Application pretty good interface
Thanks lots of useful facial tips
very usefull for everyone.
Verry nice app
Facial mask
by U####:
that is really superb and nice app with cool design. love this.