About Toulouse Sports
Toulouse Sports s'appuie sur les données libérées par le Grand Toulouse pour recenser toutes les installations sportives de la ville rose.
Envie de faire un foot, un rugby, un basket improvisé mais vous ne savez pas où se trouve le stade le plus proche ? Ne cherchez plus !
L'application recense plus de 30 activités : athlétisme, aviron, badmington, baseball, basket, bi-cross, boxe, combat, danse, escalade, escrime, football, gymnastique, handball, hockey, judo, kayak, musculation, natation, patinage, pelote, plongée, pétanque, roller, rugby, skate, tennis, tennis de table, volley, water-polo. Sports Toulouse relies on data released by the Greater Toulouse to identify all the sports facilities of the pink city.
Fancy a football, rugby, basketball improvised one, but you do not know where the nearest point? Look no further!
The application includes more than 30 activities: athletics, rowing, badminton, baseball, basketball, BMX, boxing, combat, dance, rock climbing, fencing, football, gymnastics, handball, hockey, judo, kayaking, weight training, swimming, skating , ball, diving, bowling, roller sports, rugby, skateboarding, tennis, table tennis, volleyball, water polo.