ফোক গান (লিরিক্স) for Android
পল্লীর জনগোষ্ঠীর একটি বড় অংশ লোক সাহিত্যে অবদান রেখেছেন। এদের একটি বড় অংশ লোক-কবি যাদের সাধারণত বয়াতি বলা হয়ে থাকে। প্রাচীন রাশিয়ার BAYAT শব্দ থেকে বয়াতি শব্দের উৎপত্তি।বাংলার মাঝিরা নৌকায় পাল তুলে মনের সুখে ভাটিয়ালি গান গায়। দেশের উত্তরাঞ্চলের গাড়োয়ান বা গরুর গারির চালক গাড়ি চালাতে চালাতে ভাওয়াইয়া গানের সুর তুলে। বাউলেরা একতারা বাজিয়ে তাঁদের তত্ত্ব তুলে ধরেন।[১]
তাঁদের কীর্তি আমাদের সামনে তুলে ধরতে কিছু মানুষ অবিস্মরণীয় অবদান রেখেছেন। নেত্রকোনা জেলার আইথর নামক স্থানের অধিবাসী চন্দ্রকুমার দে মৈমনসিংহ গীতিকা সংগ্রহ করেন। ডক্টর দীনেশচন্দ্র সেন এই গানগুলো সম্পাদনা করে কলকাতা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় হতে প্রকাশ করেন।
Bangladeshi Folk Literature (Bengali: বাংলা লোক/পল্লী সাহিত্য) constitutes a considerable portion of Bengali literature. Though it was created by illiterate communities and passed down orally from one generation to another it tends to flourish Bengali literature. Individual folk literature became a collective product and assumes the traditions, emotions, thoughts and values of the community.
Because folk literature is oral, it tends to rely on some mnemonic devices and patterns of language and style. Bengali Folk Literature includes different types of epic, poetry and drama, folktales, ballads, proverbs etc. and till now existing in community, whether literate or not may be in different form. The folklore of Bangladesh is heavily influenced by different races which were present years ago. The abundant folklore of the present-day Bangladesh, therefore, contains a variety of elements, which is partly to be explained by the historical forces.
Folk Literature of Bengali literature, culture, culture, and tradition has a special role. However, through the creation of an illiterate population and has spread by word of mouth from generation to generation, but the literature in Bengali literature of the extent of the rich. The creation of separate individuals, which has become a tradition in the community has expressed love, emotion, feeling, and thinking.A large part of the rural population contributed to the literature. They are a big part of the folk poet is usually Bayati said. Bayati, from the sound of the words of the ancient Russian BAYAT utpattibanlara boatmen sail the ship into the heart Bhatiyali sing happily. Coachman in the north of the country or a bullock cart driver to drive a car to drive up Bhawaiya melody. Bauls monochord sound highlighted their theory. [1]
Some of the people in front of us unforgettable celebrity to highlight their contribution. Aithara Netrokona district, local residents named Chandra Dey maimanasinha ballad collected. Dr. Dinesh Chandra Sen of the Calcutta University has edited and published the songs.
Bangladeshi Folk Literature (Bengali: Bengali folk / folk literature) constitutes a considerable portion of Bengali literature. Though it was created by illiterate communities and passed down orally from one generation to another it tends to flourish Bengali literature. Individual folk literature became a collective product and assumes the traditions, emotions, thoughts and values of the community.
Because folk literature is oral, it tends to rely on some mnemonic devices and patterns of language and style. Bengali Folk Literature includes different types of epic, poetry and drama, folktales, ballads, proverbs etc. and till now existing in community, whether literate or not may be in different form. The folklore of Bangladesh is heavily influenced by different races which were present years ago. The abundant folklore of the present-day Bangladesh, therefore, contains a variety of elements, which is partly to be explained by the historical forces.