Lume Cube for Android
I have to agree that the Cube is great but this APP is terrible. First, it does not let your own camera APP to sync with the cube. To sync, you have to use the camera in this APP, and the camera function is absolutely primitive. No adjustment at all. It also forces you to use lower resolution than your camera is capable of. On my phone, it changes from 3968x2976 (12Mp) to 3968x2240 (8Mp), and becomes "wide screen" format as if you are looking through a rear view mirror, which I hate. To make it usable, I suggest that Lume Cube work with another camera developer who knows how to do good camera app. For example, Open Camera is an excellent, full featured camera app. It would be great if it can sync with the Cube. For now, I only use the Cube as a constant light source with other camera apps. It is usable but the battery life is reduced due to constant drain.
So far starting to use it.
Love my cubes!
Best thing ever
Not a useful app. Registration of cubes aside (it's a pain), the app has allows almost no control over exposure of photo or video. Also, the cubes themselves produce far too spotty a light to be useful for most unless used with a diy diffuser.
The camera software of the app is very slow. The autofocus is slow and inaccurate. The shutter lag is unacceptably long. The pictures end up blurry. I might end up just using the native camera app with the Lume Cube as a continuous light instead of a flash.
I have to register both of my Cubes for each device I use them on, OK. But, if I didn't save the documentation that came with each Cube then I would be SOL. Please put the serial number on the Cube somewhere so I don't have to lug around the instructions. Actually, I engraved the S/N on them. As far as the app is concerned, when it works its great. However, it doesn't work for more than maybe 5 to 10 photos then it does weird and not consistent things leaving me to reboot all over. Then I gave up on using the app because I am spending too much time trying to make it work on my Galaxy Note 4 or 5. Then I turn the Cube on and off manually. I need all the light I can get for the type of building inspections I do, so I turn it on and count 10 pushes of the left button, take the photo and if I wait to take another photo for more than a minute I have to push the left button ten more times to get the full 1,500 lumens. I would thing that it should be able to remember the last light setting for five minutes or more. So, I am left with pushing a bunch of buttons to get through the project. I do love the size, the light output and the concept of using the app to take photos, Maybe someday!
Would it be so difficult to print serial number on the cube, but having read the reviews it's best to uninstall and return cubes.
I bought these when they came out on Kickstarter. App sucked then, so I put them away. Got them out today as I have a new Android phone. App still totally sucks. Keep getting asked to register devices, but there is no way of telling which device to register (I have 5 cubes). No way of identifying a particular cube anyway. The app is totally pathetic, even after all this time. Connection drops in and out, even from 3ft distance. Opto slider slides back to 'off' all by itself, when switched to 'on'. This stuff is going on Ebay... Pointless waste of my time and money.
As a kickstarter backer I was slightly disappointed that to control more than 2 lume cubes you had to pay for the pro app, now it's free
OK product. Horrible support. They never respond to emails sent it. Talk to the Boss just goes to support. Bought the colored battery caps to tell them apart. You are supposed to be able to change the color of the button in the app. You can't. All are stuck on blue. This didn't work on the Nexus 6 and now doesn't work on the Pixel XL.
let's get the basics right first! just need a way to control the lights first, without putting on gps and activating the camera! also where is the detailed user manual? also very poorly designed overall :-(
Downloaded and launched app on NEXUS 6P with 6.0.1... App keeps asking me to turn off the screen overlay, and provides a link to "open settings" - however, this app is not shown in the resultant list of apps with "Draw Over other apps??? So I'm unable to proceed. I've tried setting the permissions directly from the main APP settings menu, same result. So after being charged before a lengthy 45 day wait for shipment, I now have two LUME CUBES and I'm unable to use them... Please fix this.
It's ridiculous that I should need location settings and GPS on to control a device via Bluetooth a few feet away from my phone. Furthermore having other bluetooth devices paired seems to interfere with the apps ability to find the light. I don't need yet another camera and video app, I just need a way to turn the lights on or off and up or down.
Love the hardware, love the light. Hate the app. UGLY UI, please hire or work with someone to properly design it. Optical trigger does not work effectively. Only reason why I seldom use the cube is because of the app. A disappointed kickstarter backer.
Great idea but poor control. Connectivity problems with bluetooth are making this app annoying, perhaps wifi would have been better?! My device says paired but app says not connected most of the time. The camera view onscreen is a pain, I just want to use the app to control the lights but have camera view in the background, put in a switch to turn camera OFF. Also make buttons and slides bigger and further apart, not everyone has tiny little fingers. If you get this right then Lume Cube could become an industry standard in photography and Video lighting, not unlike GoPro. Good luck...practice makes perfect!
I love the idea of controlling my new lume cubes with this app, but WHY does the app need permissions to record video, record audio, access photos, media, and files and access location services? At least, explain the need before I grant access.
It's excellent when it has a signal. Unfortunately, with my Samsung Galaxy S 7 edge the signal is down the majority of the time .
The app is worthless. It is unintuitive and I cannot get it to control a Lume Cube on my mirrorless camera (if indeed it is supposed to). I refuse to give it permissions not directly related to taking still or moving photos and the poorly designed app says I must allow all permissions. B.S. Uninstalling!
by S####:
The cubes are great but the app is absolute junk!! I don't use my cubes for photography but I'm stuck with an app that opens my camera??? Horrible layout and it is constantly disconnecting without any errors or warning. How about just starting over on the app all together because this one is beyond any "bug fixes" this is total crap! I use my cubes for drone lights fyi