Wives of the Prophet Muhammad

Wives of the Prophet Muhammad Free App

Rated 0.00/5 (0) —  Free Android application by amanahstudio

About Wives of the Prophet Muhammad

The wives of the prophet Muhammad

The biography of the wives of the prophet Muhammad in one simple application
What is there that a woman may not do? She can do everything except what Allah has forbidden. The teachings of Islam tell us what the limits of behavior are. Anyone who goes beyond these limits is likely to meet trouble, both in this world and in the next world.
The best of women have lived their lives within the limits of Allah and have achieved greatness, often through actions, which even the best of men could not have equaled. They have gained the love and respect not only of those who knew them, but also of those who came to hear about them long after they have died. Among the best of women were the wives of the Prophet Muhammad.
Today, even hundreds of years later, young girls still learn a little about them and then, as they grow up and become women, they follow their example, seeking the pleasure of Allah. It has been related by Anas that the Prophet Muhammad said, " Of all the women in all the worlds, these are enough for you (meaning that they were the best of women): Maryam, the daughter of Imran, and Khadijah, the daughter of Khuwaylid, Fatima, the daughter of Muhammad and Asiyya, the wife of Pharaoh.
Here is The biography of the wives of the prophet muhammad in one simple application. Rate and download our other application for more interesting short stories and folktales

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