About 仁川家
当店のポイントは、母と子で経営しており韓国の家庭的な雰囲気を大切にしていてとってもアットホームな雰囲気。人気のメニューは秘伝のタレで味付をした牛モミ肉!それと、フワフワでモチモチのチヂミ!なんと言っても自慢の炭火焼肉!他にも本場の韓国料理が楽しめます!そしていつも大盛り!!とにかくたくさんの方々に本場の韓国料理とおいしい焼肉を食べていただきたいので母子共々お客様のご来店を心からお待ちしております。 Our point of, the Korean homely atmosphere has been run by the mother and child have to cherish very homely atmosphere. Popular menu cattle fir meat that was the flavored with secret sauce! At the same, the rice cake rice cake with fluffy pancake! Say the even proud of the charcoal grilled meat! The other I enjoy Korean food authentic! And you always have to wait because I would like you to eat the delicious grilled meat and generous helping !! anyway a lot of authentic Korean food to people mother and child together customers of the visit us sincerely.