About 町田のマツエク・ヘアエクステなら【シャララガール】
町田の美容院・アイビューティサロンで有名なShalala Girl【シャララガール】町田店の公式Androidアプリです。
★☆Shalala Girl【シャララガール】町田店のご紹介☆★
クーポンランドでも人気のShalala Girl【シャララガール】町田店。駅から徒歩1分の好立地にスタッフ全員が美容師免許取得者だから初心者も安心。全メニュー最高級の極上セーブル毛を使用!さらに2回目以降もクーポン使用で同一料金だから長く通える安心サロンです!丁寧なカウンセリングと確かな技術で、理想のアイメイクが手に入ります!ヘアエクステも豊富で極上の品質と低価格が大人気!なじませカットも無料でリピーター多数!24時間即時予約も出来ちゃうから、お店の営業時間外や通勤の電車の中でも24時間予約がとれちゃいます!
★☆Shalala Girl【シャララガール】町田店の定番メニュー☆★
新シルキーレミー60cm極上人毛100%100g50本 9,800円⇒8,800円
新ナチュラルレミー70cm極上人毛100%100g50本 12,900円⇒10,300円
新プレミアプラチナレミ72cm超極上人毛100%100g50本 16,800円⇒12,800円
シルキーレミー60cm極上人毛100%大盛120g60本 11,760円⇒10,500円
■Shalala Girl【シャララガール】町田店のクーポン
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Shalala Girl【シャララガール】町田店へのご予約は、24時間受付しています。空き状況がリアルタイムに確認できますので、その場でご予約が完了します。
■Shalala Girl【シャララガール】町田店の最新情報をお届け
Shalala Girl【シャララガール】町田店からのお知らせやイベント予告情報など、最新情報をお届けします。
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Shalala Girl【シャララガール】町田店までの位置をMAPで表示します。ナビ誘導へ遷移し、今いるところからShalala Girl【シャララガール】町田店までの行き方をご案内します
★☆Shalala Girl【シャララガール】町田店の基本情報 ☆★
店名:Shalala Girl【シャララガール】町田店
住所:東京都町田市原町田6-10-4 山崎商事町田ビル4F
アクセス:【小田急線町田駅】西口改札を出て左手横浜線方面へ。すぐある10段位の階段を昇らずに手前を左折。マクドナルドを通り過ぎて道なりに30M進むと右手にケンタッキーがあるビルの4階です。【JR町田駅】改札を出て右方向へ。左に見える東急westの横にある階段を下ります。左に見えるマツキヨの手前の道を左折して約100M進むと左にマクドナルドがある十字路を右折、少し登り坂になっている道を進み右手1Fがケンタッキーのビルの4階です。 The official Android app of Shalala Girl Girl [Shalala] Machida famous beauty salon beauty salon Eye of Machida.
★ ☆ Introduction Shalala Girl of Shalala [girl] Machida ☆ ★
In coupon land Shalala Girl Popular Girl [Shalala] Machida. Beginners worry all staff because hairdresser licensees conveniently located a 1-minute walk from the station. I use the finest sable hair all menu finest! It is safe salon to attend a long time because it is the same coupon rates also used the second and subsequent more! With reliable technology and careful counseling, eye makeup of the ideal is to come by! Quality and low price of the best is popular Hair Extension is abundant! Also cut repeater number for free and rub! Because she can also instant reservations 24 hours, we can take a reservation for 24 hours in the train commuting outside office hours and the shop!
★ ☆ classic menu Shalala Girl of Shalala [girl] Machida ☆ ★
Eye Beauty
Eyelash extensions
[OK] again and again superb sable hair use! (Above) 3,450 yen sixty Nachukawa
[OK] again and again superb sable hair use! (Above) 4,200 yen eighty Nachukawa
[OK] again and again superb sable hair use! (Above) 4,800 100 pieces Nachukawa
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Beauty salon
9,800 yen ⇒ 8,800 yen 100g50 this new 100% Silky Remy Human Hair 60cm best
12,900 yen ⇒ 10,300 yen 100g50 pieces out of 100% new natural Remy human hair 70cm best
16,800 yen ⇒ 12,800 yen 100g50 pieces out of 100% new Premier Platinum Remi 72cm super best human hair
¥ 11,760 ⇒ 10,500 yen 120g60 this 100% Silky Remy Sheng large 60cm finest human hair
■ coupon Shalala Girl of Shalala [girl] Machida
It is distributed coupons deals Shalala Girl of Shalala [girl] Machida. When new coupon has been delivered, you will receive a push notification information.
■ reservation at any time 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
Reservations Shalala Shalala Girl [Girl] to Machida, we have 24-hour reception. Availability, so you can check in real time, your reservation will be completed on the spot.
■ You can get a latest information Shalala Girl of Shalala [girl] Machida
We will deliver and events announcements and information notice Shalala Girl from Shalala girl] Machida, the latest information.
■ To me for a photo of a large number
I have posted a number of photos, such as a menu or store Shalala Girl of Shalala [girl] Machida.
■ Navigation induction
Displays the position in MAP Shalala Girl to girl] [Shalala Machida. It will guide you how to get Shalala Girl to girl] [Shalala Machida from where it transitions to the navigation guidance, you are now
★ ☆ basic information Shalala Girl of Shalala [girl] Machida ☆ ★
Store name: Shalala Girl Girl [Shalala] Machida
Address: Machida, Tokyo 6-10-4 Haramachida Machida Yamazaki Shoji Building 4F
To the left hand Yokohama Line direction out of the [Odakyu Line Machida Station West Exit] wicket: access. Turn left at the front without ascended the stairs of the 10 rank in immediately. It is the fourth floor of the building there is a Kentucky on your right and go down a road 30M past the McDonald's. To the right out of the [JR Machida Station ticket gate]. I go down the stairs next to the Tokyu west which is visible to the left. Turn right at the crossroads there is a McDonald's to the left and go about 100M Turn left on the road in front of Matsukiyo visible to the left, right hand 1F is the fourth floor of a building of Kentucky go the way that is the uphill a little.