About CRL Fashion Jakarta
Aplikasi "Katalog Baju Online" CRL Fashion adalah sebuah aplikasi berisikan semua produk merk S&Y, busana muslim dan barang Import, yang di dalamya berisi:
- Foto barang
- Keterangan barang
- Stock barang
- Berat barang
yang bisa digunakan di semua HP berbasis Android..
Pada prinsipnya sama seperti grup BBM / WA / LINE, atau katalog buku pada umumnya, hanya saja konsumen tidak perlu bertanya2 terus menerus / menunggu kepastian dapat barang / tidak, selama stock masih ada / tersedia dan bisa dipesan artinya pasti dapat barang. STOCK REAL TIME.
Fungsi Aplikasi "Katalog Baju Online" CRL Fashion ini:
- sebagai pengganti group BBM/WA/LINE
- kita bisa melihat dan pesan barang ready stock secara langsung tanpa tunggu konfirmasi admin (dapat / tidak dapat)
- kita bisa melihat keterangan ukuran pakaiannya secara real time
- kita bisa melihat / mengontrol STOCK barang yang masih tersedia ada berapa.
- Foto dapat langsung di edit dan disimpan (save).
- Foto dapat langsung di SHARE / sebarkan ke Grup BBM / Media sosial / Marketplace / siapapun yang anda inginkan.
- kita bisa cek ongkir ke seluruh Indonesia menggunakan ekspedisi yang terdaftar di sistem kami.
- kita sudah tau langsung "total pesanan" kita ada berapa totalnya dan "total berat" barangnya.
- bisa DROPSHIP (khusus menu ECER)
- bisa lihat riwayat order (pemesanan) kita
- bisa menggunakan metode pembayaran melalui manual transfer, kartu kredit, maupun mandiri e-cash
- bisa melihat pengumuman terkini di katalog, informasi penting seputar produk dan layanan kami.
- dan masih banyak yang lainnya.
Ketentuan Umum CRL:
- Silahkan ikuti / pelajari proses transaksinya.
- Jika ada kesulitan dan mau bertanya kepada Admin, silahkan Chat langsung di aplikasi CRL Fashion.
- HARGA Grosir dan Ecer akan dibedakan supaya prinsip dagang tetap terjaga.
- Boleh beli barang Grosir saja atau barang Ecer saja atau beli keduanya (bebas pilih).
- Bagi Customer NON VIP, KEEP / pesan / order barang max 3 (tiga) hari, setelah lewat dari 3 (tiga) hari, pesanan Anda akan hilang secara otomatis.
- Boleh CANCEL pesanan di "KERANJANG BELANJA", tetapi jika sudah sampai "PESAN" / nota pesanan sudah ada, silahkan hubungi Admin CRL, kami akan bantu Cancel/Hapus pesanan Anda.
- CRL tidak ada sistem "blacklist", jadi semua konsumen akan dilayani dengan baik.
Toko CRL Fashion
Pusat Grosir Tanah Abang
Gedung Blok B ( seberang PGMTA )
Lantai 3A / Los D / No.69-70
Jl. KH. Mas Mansyur
Kampung Bali - Tanah Abang
Jakarta Pusat 10240
Petunjuk Arah Google Maps ---> https://g.co/kgs/BD4dj7 Applications "Online Clothing Catalog" CRL Fashion is an application containing all the product brands S & Y, Muslim clothing and goods Import, which in dalamya contain:
- Photos of goods
- Description of goods
- Goods stock
- Heavy goods
which can be used on all Android-based HP ..
In principle the same as BBM Group / WA / LINE, or catalog of books in general, it's just that consumers do not need bertanya2 continuous / waiting for certainty can stuff / not, as long as there is still stock / available and can be ordered means must be goods. REAL TIME STOCK.
Functions Applications "Online Clothing Catalog" Fashion's CRL:
- as a substitute group BBM / WA / LINE
- we can see and message ready stock directly, without waiting for confirmation admin (can / can not)
- we can see the dress size information in real time
- we can see / control STOCK goods that are still available there how.
- Photos can be directly edited and saved (save).
- Photos can be directly SHARE / spread to BBM Group / Social Media / Marketplace / whoever you want.
- we can check postage throughout Indonesia using the expedition registered in our system.
- we already know instantly "total order" we are how many total and "total weight" of the goods.
- can DROPSHIP (special menu ECER)
- can view order history (reservations) we
- can use the manual method of payment via transfer, credit card, or standalone e-cash
- can see the latest announcements in catalogs, important information about our products and services.
- And many others.
CRL General Conditions:
- Please follow / learned the transaction process.
- If there is any trouble and would ask Admin, please Chat directly within the application CRL Fashion.
- PRICE Wholesale and Ecer will be differentiated so that the principle of trade is maintained.
- Can buy any goods or goods Wholesale Ecer alone or buy both (optionally).
- For Customer NON VIP, KEEP / message / order goods max 3 (three) days after the expiration of three (3) days, your order will automatically disappear.
- Can CANCEL orders in "SHOPPING CART", but if it is to "MESSAGE" / memorandum of existing orders, please contact Admin CRL, we will help the Cancel / Delete your order.
- CRL no system "blacklist", so all customers will be well served.
CRL store Fashion
Wholesale Center Tanah Abang
Building Block B (opposite PGMTA)
Floor 3A / Los D / No.69-70
Jl. KH. Mas Mansyur
Kampung Bali - Tanah Abang
Jakarta Pusat 10240
Directions Google Maps ---> https://g.co/kgs/BD4dj7
by Q####:
Knp penarikan data server gagal mulu ya? Mau register susah nya kan maen kak :(