About DataLockr
NEW: We now support NFC reading with support for Mifare Classic, PIV Government Card, and many others.
Finally there's a scanning app that does more than just capture content. Paired with a FREE DataLockr account, our app allows you to view, save, search and share scans instantly and on-the-go.
Scan any barcode (QR, Datamatrix, whatever!) to be taken to the content you want to see, when you want to see it!
Want to learn more about the DataLockr service? Visit our main website at http://datalockr.com to see how DataLockr works to connect buyers and sellers by making information easier than ever to capture.
Just like our service, we're all about connectivity. If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, feel free to visit us at http://datalockr.com to get in touch!