Jemput Jodoh

Jemput Jodoh Free App

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About Jemput Jodoh

Ta’aruf artinya kenalan atau mengenal. Namun dalam hal proses menuju pernikahan, istilah Ta’aruf dimaknai khusus yaitu kita kenal betul sama orang yang akan kita nikahi.
Ingeet...! Ta’aruf itu kenal betul lho ya..., jadi bukan asal cepet. Ujug-ujug langsung oke... Soalnya ada yang baru ketemu cuma beberapa hari bahkan beberapa jam aja, udah langsung manteb pengen nikah.
Wah... kalau yang kayak gini, saya unrecomended dech...

Pada prinsipnya, ta'aruf alias kenalan dalam rangka mencari pasangan hidup yang tepat menurut islam, memiliki koridor atau rule yang harus ditaati. Koridor tersebut sebagai berikut :

1. Manjauhi Khalwat
Maksudnya berdua-dua-an di tempat sepi sehingga memancing perbuatan yang diinginkan. Ingin megang-megang, ingin ngesun dll. Termasuk berkhalwat adalah berduaan di tempat keramaian yang org2 di sana tdk ada yg mengenal. Jadi org2 tsb cuek dan tdk mungkin menegur. Misalnya pacaran ke Kebun Binatang, Pasar, Bioskop dll. Dan inget... termasuk juga berkhalwat kalo saat ketemuan, masing2 bawa temen, lalu temen si cowok berduaan sama temen si cewek akhirnya jadilah dua pasangan. Sehingga masing2 asyik pacaran sendiri-sendiri. Yaelaaaah.... tepok jidat dech guee...
Jadi solusinya yaaa... wajib membawa pihak ketiga atau ke-empat yang kehadiran mereka bisa mencegah untuk berbuat maksiyat, bukan nambahi maksiyat.

2. Tidak Bertele-tele
Dalam Ta'aruf islami, sangat dilarang keras bertele-tele dan terlalu kebanyakan ubo rampenya. Maksudnya saat kenalan langsung to the point to the prinsip. Nggak perlu ngebahas warna kesukaan, ukuran sepatu, kenapa kriting, cara ngilangin jerawat, apalagi tanya, udah sunat apa belum.... duuuh... kalo gini ini bukan ta’aruf namanya, tapi tralala trilili.... 

3. Manjauhi janji setia "Tunangan".
Islam melarang tunangan. Dalam surat Al-Baqarah:235, kita dilarang membuat janji saling setia untuk menikah di suatu masa yang akan datang. Bentuknya bisa tunangan atau sekadar janji untuk sama-sama saling setia menunggu... Wah ini sangat berbahaya... Salah satu kerugiannya yaitu, giliran udah nunggu lama, eee... tau-tau rasa cintanya ilang gara-gara hadir pihak ketiga yang lebih wuuuiiihh...
Atau udah nunggu lama, tau-tau menjelang lamaran, si do’i mati.... Wedeew... ampuuun dech kalo ini.
Naaah, makanya islam ngelarang yang kayak gini ini. Kalo istilah islamnya “Tuulul ‘Amal”.

4. Melibatkan Alloh
Maksudnya gini,.... di saat ta’aruf kita dirasa sudah cukup dalem, dalam arti sudah dapet informasi tentang si dia yaitu baik dan buruknya, keluarganya, budayanya, visi-misi dan proyeksi masa depannya, maka saatnya memutuskan.
Namun sebelum memutuskan untuk YESS OR NO, maka sebaiknya temen-temen sholat dulu dua raka’at mohon petunjuk sama Alloh biar ga salah memutuskan.
Kalo kita sudah ngelibatin Alloh dalam memutuskan, insya Alloh apapun hasilnya tidak akan mengecewakan dan gak bikin nyesel.

Buat yang ingin berkoresponden dengan beliau, Anda dapat menghubungi di :

PIN BB : 58414c8b
WA : 0877-1947-1953

WHAT IS ta'aruf ...?
Ta'aruf meaning acquaintance or know. But in terms of the process towards marriage, the term is defined ta'aruf special that we know exactly the same people we are going to marry.
Ingeet ...! Ta'aruf it knew very well ... ya know, so it was not the origin cepet. Possible thanks direct-possible thanks okay ... Because there are only met just a few days or even a few hours aja, already directly Manteb want marriage.
Well ... if it were like this, I unrecomended dech ...

CONCEPT ta'aruf
In principle, ta'aruf alias acquaintances in order to find the right life partner according to Islam, has a corridor or a rule that must be obeyed. Corridor is as follows:

1. Manjauhi Seclusion
That is two by two late in a quiet place so that the fishing action is desired. Want to hold-hold, want ngesun etc. Including seclusion is alone in a crowd that org2 there cut no conversant. So org2 they will be ignored and the unthinkable reprimand. For example dating to the Zoo, markets, cinema etc. And remember ... as well as seclusion if the current meet, masing2 bring friends, and friends of the same tandem guy friend of the girl eventually be two couples. Masing2 so engrossed in their own courtship. Yaelaaaah .... tepok forehead dech guee ...
So the solution yaaa ... are required to bring a third party or the four that their presence could prevent to do maksiyat, not nambahi maksiyat.

2. Rambling
In Islamic ta'aruf, is strictly prohibited wordy and too many ubo rampenya. That is when the contacts directly to the point to the principle. No need ngebahas favorite color, shoe size, why curly, how ngilangin acne, let alone asked, already circumcision anything yet .... duuuh ... gini if ​​this is not ta'aruf name, but tralala trilili .... 

3. Manjauhi allegiance "fiance".
Islam forbids fiance. In surah Al-Baqarah: 235, we are prohibited from making a promise to marry faithful to each other in a foreseeable future. The form can be engaged or just the promise to be equally faithful to each other waiting ... Wow this is very dangerous ... One disadvantage is, turn've waited a long time, eee ... tau-tau his love ilang turbulence present third party More wuuuiiihh ...
Or already waited a long time, tau-tau before the application, the do'i die .... Wedeew ... ampuuun dech this reply.
Naaah, so Islam ngelarang who like this this. If the term Islam very "Tuulul 'Charity'.

4. Involve Allah
That is gini .... when we thats enough ta'aruf palace, in a sense already dapet information about him that is good and bad, family, culture, vision, mission and projections of the future, then it is time to decide.
But before deciding to YESS OR NO, then you should pray my friends first two raka'at same instructions please let ga wrong Allah decides.
If we had to decide ngelibatin Allah, Allah willing, whatever the outcome will not be disappointing and not make nyesel.

Those who wish to correspond with him, you may contact at:

PIN BB: 58414c8b
WA: 0877-1947-1953

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apa jaminannya tidak menjadi kedok pacaran islami? islami? emang ada?

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Smoga konsep taaruf (secara syarii) bisa tersebar luas dgn program ini ustadz

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