About Talisma CRM Mobile
Your sales force is constantly on the move while speaking to customers and closing deals across their respective territories. In such a scenario, it is essential that your sales agents get access to information without having to review multiple lists and scrolling through many pages. Further, various activities occur during transit that can impact the way your sales agents interact with existing and potential clients. To keep your pipeline flowing, you need a solution that helps them stay fully connected and well-informed – no matter where they are. Talisma Mobile CRM helps your sales agents simplify their information management routine by providing them with critical real-time information while on the go. It is fast, easy to use and, as importantly, facilitates sharing of information and collaboration.
Benefits of Talisma Mobile CRM
• Sales agents have access to up to date information while on the move
• Helps agents develop customer engagement strategies while in transit
• Facilitates better flow of information within your organization
• Locate, contact and manage customer data effectively
• Increases the productivity and efficiency of your sales force
• Saves time that could be used in interacting with customers and advancing leads
• Accelerates sales cycles: Close deals in shorter time frame and with lesser calls per lead
• Improved schedule management - Support staff can effectively coordinate and manage the time
To learn more about empowering your sales force with Talisma Mobile CRM, email us at
marketing@talisma.com or call +91 80 4339 8400.
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Talisma CRM Mobile version 1.1 on your
Android device!
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Android package:
com.talisma.mobile, download Talisma CRM Mobile.apk
by M####:
It won't open on my S7 Active as it states my phone is rooted. I do not know how to root, but the download of a root checker shows I am NOT rooted. HELP!