About Kitab Ta'lim Muta'alim
Book of Ta'limul Muta'alim Thariqatta'allum.Yang consists of thirteen chapters.
First, explain the nature of science, the law of seeking knowledge, and its virtue.
Second, the intention in seeking knowledge.
Third, how to choose science, teachers, friends, and perseverance.
Fourth, how to respect science and teachers
Fifth, seriousness in seeking knowledge, beristiqamah and noble ideals.
Sixth, size and order
Seventh, tawakal
Eighth, time to study science
Ninth, love each other and advise each other
Tenth, looking for additional science
Eleventh, be wara 'when studying
The twelve, the things that can strengthen memorization and which weaken it.
Thirteen, things that facilitate the coming of rijki, things that can prolong, and reduce age.
وما توفيقى إلا بالله عليه توكلت وإليه أنيب
There is no help except Allah, only to Him I submitted, and His presence I returned.