About Takseek
Redefining The Way You Commute.
a world class service provider, introduces Sudan's first ever book-a-ride platform
Our service enables Riders to search, find and book a fair with one of our network's fleet of approved drivers available nearby.
Along with that and after approval, drivers are instantly able to start accepting journeys requested by customers.
Takseek only works with approved drivers which range from licensed taxis and privately owned vehicles to mini vans and rickshaws.
Our aim is to have a one-place platform that transforms the way people commute. And by that we mean people will no longer wait on the road for rides to pass by. Hence we commit our selves to making it a quicker and safer method for getting around.
Finally, we just want to link Drivers with Riders who are looking to make a journey.
Very simple! isn't it?
If you have any concerns or comments you would like to share with us,
by N####:
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