Quiz Power Train for Android
Setiap kompetensi berisi 25 soal pilihan ganda yang dibuat secara random, sehingga setiap aplikasi di jalankan, soal latihan akan terus berubah, sehingga tidak membosankan.
Hasil atau nilai latihan dapat di share atau dibagikan kepada teman-teman lainnya melalui aplikasi sms atau aplikasi pengirim pesan lainnya.
Semoga bermanfaat.
The material in the form of multiple choice questions quiz knowledge about power train heavy equipment include the following competences:Each competency contains 25 multiple choice questions randomly created, so each application on the run, exercises will continue to change, so it is not boring.
Results or the value of exercise can be shared or distributed to other friends via sms application or other message sender application.
May be useful.