قصص مغربية for Android
كما ان تطبيقنا يتميز بالليونة وذلك بتقديم بسيط وسلس للقصة مع امكانية تحديد قائمة من القصص المفضلة لديك مما يجعل من السهل تصفح القصص
: والتطبيق كذلك يتيح لك إختيار نوع القصص المفضلة لديك أو اللتي تريد قرائتها ونذكر منها
- قصص رعب وماورائيات -
- غموض و اثارة
- قصص مضحكة
- روايات
- قصص وعبر
- دراما ورومانسية
- والكثير ندعكم تكتشفونه بأنفسكم
كل هذا ليس سوى نبذة مبسطة ، الباقي تجدونه داخل التطبيق ، نتمنا لكم وقتا ممتعا
Moroccan stories: a unique application that contains the stories of the high and unique style of its kind, our stories undoubtedly Schark you live a world full of suspense and excitement is the world we currently live in particular, and they are accompanied by images thing that will make reading the story is clear and unambiguous, our application is on Unlike some applications that publish boring stories that do not interest them, while reading our stories undoubtedly will feel that you did not waste your time on the contrary, will draw a lesson or rather the moral of the storyAlso, our application is characterized by flexibility and simple and smooth to provide the story with the possibility of determining the list of favorite stories making it easy to browse stories
: The application also lets you choose the type of your favorite stories or which you want to read and remember them
- Horror stories and Mauraiaat -
- Mystery & stir
- Funny Stories
- Novels
- stories and Lessons
- Drama and Romance
- And a lot Ndekm Tkchwouna yourselves
All of this is not only a simplified overview, the rest will find inside the application,. We hope you have fun
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Best App Bro
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