About ID掌握命運
俗語有云「死生有命,富貴由天」,很多人都相信命運由天定,但另外一方面,也有很多人並不認命,認為「人定勝天」。相信命運的人,很多 時會提出,自己一生經歷之中,有許多自己也沒法解釋的際遇,運勢有高有低,人生起伏無定。而這些遭遇,很多時並非自己可以控制,冥冥中似乎另有主宰,很多 時會有身不由己的感覺,命中似乎有很多事情早有註定。所以,只能依照命已註定的軌跡走下去。
不相信天命的人會直指這是迷信,他們最常提出的反駁,同一個時辰之中,全世界有多少人同時出生,難道所有的人都是同一命運?當然不是, 這是否定了有命運這一件事。
作為一個命理學家,我會說,這兩種人其實都有偏差,我個人認為,在人的生命中,的確有一定的軌跡可循,而利用各種不同的術數,基本上都 可以找出這一條軌跡。但是,人生並不是宿命,不是說命運絕對不可變,當我們找出自己的命運軌跡,明白我們的大概遭遇, 明白自己的優點及缺點,能夠發揮我們的優點,改善我們的缺點,並在人生暢旺時,乘運而進,在人生低潮時,蓄勢待機,我們就能多多少少改變自己的命運,達到 把我們的人生變得更完美一些,更可愛一些。而這,正是研究命理學的作用和目的。
[1] 數字所代表的更有個人獨特性。我用作命理分析的數目字,是每一個人的身份證號碼,這是任何個人最貼身、最獨特的號碼。
[2] 利用數字作分析,對當事人來說,比較容易理解,有親切感,而且也比較容易學習,即使是一個初學者,只要掌握了一定的技巧,大致上已可以利用我提供的方法來 作自我分析。
在以下的章節,我會為大家介紹這一種數字命理分析方法,只要你細心閱讀,多作實踐,你很快也可成為個「數字天王」,利用數字為他人分析 命運。
June Ho,數字命理分析專家;香港人,早年移民美國,目前落戶夏威夷。
June Ho在彼邦以數字學及風水享譽,人稱轉姐,在夏威夷可以說是無人不認識的名人,深受當地中外人士讚賞。她的名字經常在當地媒體上出現,知名度極高,其利用 數字作命理分析的準確事,更經常在媒體上報道。
數字命理分析,對很多中國人來說,可能是比較陌生的算命方法。不過,在西方卻是已有過千年歷史的算命方法, 外國人很多對此深信不疑,很多人更利用這種方法作為日常生活的參考。
轉姐本人早期專注於中國命理風水的研究,精通多種中國術數,她的成功之處,是把中國術數的智慧和數字學兩者結合,互補不足,這一種方 法,令其數字學的推斷更上一層樓,這種中西結合,獨特而準確的數字學算命方式,揚威海外。
不過,很多人在June Ho面前,都會毫不保留,將自己身份數字清楚交付,希望June Ho細心為他分析,以便能明白自己的生命路向,充份發揮自己仍未發掘利用的潛能,在人生路上添色彩。 As the saying goes, "Sishengyouming, wealth by the day," many people believe that fate by God, but on the other hand, there are a lot of people do not accept their fate that "everything becomes possible." I believe the fate of the people, a lot of time will be made, their life experiences, and many of their own are unable to explain the fate, fortune high and low, the ups and downs of life with no fixed. These encounters, often can not control yourself, somewhere seems to dominate another, feeling there will be a lot of time involuntarily, seems to have hit a lot of things already doomed. So, only in accordance with the trajectory of life is destined to go on.
People who do not believe in destiny will be directed at this superstition, they refute most frequently asked, with an hour among the world how many people were born at the same time, do not all people are the same fate? Of course not, that there is no the fate of this matter.
As an astrologers, I would say that these two people actually have bias, I think, in the person's life, there are certain tracks to follow, while the number of patients using a variety of different, basically you can find out of this one track. However, life is not fate, not to say absolutely immutable destiny, when we find out their fate track, understand that we probably encounter, understand their own strengths and weaknesses, to play our strengths and improve our weaknesses and in life When buoyant by American and into the low tide at the time of life, ready to stand, we are less able to change their destiny, to put our lives become more perfect, more lovely number. And that is to study the role and purpose of numerology.
Numerology theory, whether in the West have a lot of why I chose to make digital analysis? That is because, in my personal experience, we found that the use of digital analysis has two characteristics make
[1] The figures represent a more personal uniqueness. My analysis of the number of words used numerology, is everyone's ID number, which is the most personal to any individual, the most unique number.
[2] for the use of digital analysis of the parties, it is relatively easy to understand, there is intimacy, but also relatively easy to learn, even for a beginner, once you have a certain skill, you can use the method I generally have to provide for self-analysis.
In the following sections, I will introduce this kind of digital numerology analysis method, as long as you carefully read, do more practice, you can also quickly become a "digital Kings", using digital analysis of the fate of others.
About the Author
June Ho, numerology expert analysis; Hong Kong people, early emigrated to the U.S., currently settled in Hawaii.
June Ho in his state renowned digital learning and feng shui, called transfer sister in Hawaii can be said that no one does not know a celebrity, popular with local and foreign people appreciated. Her name appears frequently in the local media, high visibility, and its use as an accurate figure things numerology analysis, more often reported in the media.
Numerology analysis, for many Chinese people, it may be relatively unfamiliar fortune-telling methods. However, it is in the West over the years has been the history of fortune-telling methods, many foreigners do not doubt that many people even use this method as a reference for daily life.
My sister turn early research focused on the Chinese feng shui numerology, proficient in a variety of Chinese astrology, her success is to learn wisdom and digital combination of both Chinese astrology and complementary, that one way to make it digital learning infer a higher level, which combines Chinese and Western, unique and accurate digital learning fortune manner won in overseas.
Americans generally personal identity number combination, are very confidential, because they understand the information secret life, hidden in the figures among the best.
However, many people in front of June Ho, will have no reservations about his identity numbers clearly delivered, hoping June Ho for his careful analysis in order to understand their way of life to make full play to their potential yet to explore the use, in the life add color to the road.