About Topographic Symbols US Army
This manual is divided into four chapters.
a. Chapter 1 contains general information on the use of topographic symbols, gives the basic scales for topographic maps, defines topographic maps, and discusses map detail, map accuracy, and map colors.
b. Chapter 2 gives examples and illustrations of topographic symbols arranged by categories, such as drainage features, relief features, and roads.
c. Chapter 3 gives topographic abbreviations, their scope and application.
d. Chapter 4 discusses marginal information.
Appendix I is a list of publications which give detailed information on maps and mapping, foreign conventional signs and symbols, reference data for the various services, transportation and signal facilities, and abbreviations for administrative and electrically transmitted messages.
Symbols and Abbreviations
a. Some of the symbols appearing on published maps may not agree entirely with those shown in this manual, since it is necessary to devise or modify symbols to portray conditions or features which are unique to the area being mapped. Consequently, before any map is used, the symbol legend appearing in the margin
should be carefully studied.
b. The symbols and abbreviations given in this manual are the result of standardization proceedings and are in general agreement with those employed by the British Army, the Canadian Army, the Aeronautical Chart and Information
Service of the U.S. Air Force, the Hydrographic Office of the U.S. Navy, the U.S.
Coast and Geodetic Survey, the U.S. Forest Service, the U.S. Geological Survey, and the Tennessee Valley Authority.