About Sure Job
Hi, I am Pritam Nagrale, founder of SureJob.
I am one of the few of the Indians who are into internet marketing from the time when people don’t know the meaning of internet marketing.
I started blogging in 2009 but SureJob is not my first apps.
I started SureJob in 2012 because there were few apps who were writing about career & education.
Although make money idea is my favorite topic but I have excellent knowledge on career & education topics.
At SureJob, you will find content on various topics including making money ideas, career & education tips, different career options, business ideas etc.
We have a full team of excellent writers who are expert in career related topics. Mr. Ashvin Honwar & Mr. Shashi Suman are among the writers who
Mr. Ashvin Honwar & Mr. Shashi Suman are among the dedicated writers who contribute quality content to SureJob
Everything that we publish on SureJob is coming by experience & research.
** Comming Soon..
1. Welcome screen...
2.Bank Related Job...
3.Request a question...
4.Update on
* Comming soon Maity Tech [The YouTube Channel] Apps.
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