All Birds Colombia Field Guide

All Birds Colombia Field Guide$9.99

Rated 3.00/5 (2) —  Free Android application by Sunbird Images

About All Birds Colombia Field Guide

*** This app fills a gap in the region and is the only serious bird app available for Colombia! The app contains 5,600 illustrations in total, covering subspecies, maps and more than 4,000 bird songs and calls. It is based on the renowned reference work of the Helm Guide Series "Birds of Northern South America" by Robin Restall, Clemencia Rodner, and Miguel Lentino. The creation of apps from the book is a co-production between Bloomsbury Plc and Sunbird Images. ***

This app is part of the Sunbird Images BLUE LABEL series. Our BLUE LABEL series are top notch digital field guides which provide the most comprehensive data available for a region or taxon. The apps stand for completeness including even the very rare species and vagrants which have only been recorded once or a few times in a region. Also the rare species are illustrated and described in detail featured with a full species account.

No other bird app for this region offers the following:

- Includes all 1,889 Colombian bird species including all vagrants
- 5,600 illustrations from the Helm Guide Series "Birds of Northern South America"
- Covers all subspecies + geographic, age and sex variations
- 4,054 bird songs and calls
- Most advanced compare mode of any bird app - compare up to 16 species images / songs / maps
- Spectrograms of all songs + details where songs were recorded
- Introduction contains hints and links on bird watching in Colombia
- Detailed distribution maps of Northern South America down to subspecies level
- Create sighting lists on a map via GPS and sort by place, date, group, and name
- Make notes for each bird spotted
- A simple identification key narrows species down
- Sort and display species: A–Z, 6 different languages, taxonomic

Colombia is the “Land of Birds” with vast natural richness and a number of natural superlatives. With its nearly 1,900 species it covers about 20 % of the world's bird species population with 78 endemic species covered in this app.

Choose between 6 bird name languages:
English, Spanish, French, Dutch, German, Latin

Narrow species down by foot colour, bill shape, tail length etc. leading to the bird searched for plus a choice of similar species. You can also look for fragments of a species name – the search for “finch“ shows all the species which include the word “finch“ in the species’ name.

***A graphically well-designed layout – easy to use with large lettering.***

"All Birds Colombia" is very well suited for keeping personalised bird watch lists.

The app will continuously be developed further. Once downloaded no internet connection needed – just download the app and start birding!

Visit our internet support site for more information We are happy, if you like our app. Please don't hesitate to email us if you have any questions or suggestions or comments at:

How to Download / Install

Download and install All Birds Colombia Field Guide version 1.0 on your Android device!
Downloaded 10+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: com.sunbirdimages.allbirdsco, download All Birds Colombia Field Guide.apk

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The best app to identify Colombian birds.

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