About Joe Smith for Congress
Now you can show your support for Joe Smith for Congress right in your mobile device. Our political campaign in the palm of your hands. Connect and share our values in a whole new way!
Some of the app features include:
- Follow our Upcoming Events, Share them with friends and even RSVP right in the app
- Make Donations from within our app.
- Stay up to date with our Campaign Agenda and Recent Issues.
- Sign-up as a Volunteer to help out our team.
- Help Call Constituents using our app and a provided phone script.
- Learn about who we are by reading our personal and political bios.
- Get quick access to our social media pages.
- and more features in the app..
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Joe Smith for Congress version 1.2 on your
Android device!
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Android package:
com.summitpoliticalapps.joesmithforcongress, download Joe Smith for Congress.apk