Metro Calvary for Android
Excellent App, Awesome Word!!!
I highly recommend it to anyone!
Monday night bible study streamed live is awesome!
A lot of good stuff to listen to. Very encouraging, practical and Biblical. The volume is quite bit low. I have to listen on full high to hear anything. Not sure if all recordings or just Young Marrieds. If you can boost the volume please. God Bless! Samsung Galaxy SIII
Not quire there yet but very excited to see it coming. Video very slow to load and then forceclose immediately. Video on iPad great but Android needs work.
Great app Metro. Thanks for fixing the notes issue by not requiring the website to open to view them.
Great tool to hear and share the Word.
Excellent App, Awesome Word!!!
Great tool Great tool to hear and share the Word.
Awesome! Great app Metro. Thanks for fixing the notes issue by not requiring the website to open to view them.
All but Live. Not quire there yet but very excited to see it coming. Video very slow to load and then forceclose immediately. Video on iPad great but Android needs work.
by Y####:
Great app and wonderful teaching!