About Ordo mobi
Ordo mobi is a calendar with pictures which helps you plan activities using step by step instructions.
Each event is illustrated with a picture and a text description.
To each event you can also tie a step by step instructions. Each step contains text and an optional picture.
When it is time for an event you get a reminder where you are reminded to start the instruction.
Use Ordo as a help you in your daily life, to manage daily routines, your exercise schedule, as a suport to achieve what you set out to do.
We are going to expand features with next checkpoints:
- Type answer - next step appears if user inputs text.
- Take a photo - e.g. photo with unplugged smoothing-iron.
- Refresh Weather service.
- Dictate (voice).
- Scan QR / Barcode - e.g. packing of pills of medicine you are going to take.
- Make voice / video call.
- Shake phone (activity monitoring).
- Measure the time.
- Choose Answer - next step appears if user picks an answer from a list.
- Take video.
- Launch instruction by NFC tag or QR.
- Geo-location.