About Stitches Embroidery Beads
stitches embroidery beads
We have a lot of stitches embroidery beads here!
Back stitch is one of the basic stitches used to attach beads to a beading foundation in bead embroidery. The stitch involves doing a regular forward stitch through one or more beads and then stitching back through a portion of the beads to make sure they are secure.
Back stitch can be used with most types of beads and can be varied slightly depending on the size of the beads you are using and the size of the area that you need to cover with beads. If your beads are covering a small area, you will want to do backstitch with one or two beads, which will allow them to fit precisely. If you have a larger area to cover, it is perfectly fine to pick up four or five beads in a stitch and back stitch through the last two, especially if you go through the bead stitch a second time just to align and secure the beads.
Bead Embroidery Materials
There are many material options that you can choose from when doing stitches embroidery beads. The basic types of bead embroidery materials are described in this article and you can find more information about those materials at the links provided.
You will need a piece of embroidery foundation, slightly larger than the project you are stitching. Most embroidery foundations are white, but there are some that are available in colors that may blend better with your project.
You may choose to draw a design or basic shape on the foundation or print an outline on a peel and stick wash-away stitch stabilizer like I have done. You don't need the wash-away kind, especially if you don't plan on washing your bead embroidery, but that's the type I had on hand. There are a variety of stitch stabilizers available and they work well when your embroidery foundation needs to be made a little stiffer to support the stitches or you want to print a design on your foundation.
In addition, you will need a variety of beads, a beading needle, beading thread and embroidery scissors to trim the thread ends. In general, I prefer to use round beads in bead embroidery over cylinder beads. I find they make curved lines more clearly since cylinder beads can tend to form a jagged line when they don't align perfectly.
Beginning Backstitch
Cut a comfortable length of beading thread. If you are using a nylon beading thread like Nymo, pre-stretch it before stitching. Personally, I don't condition the thread before doing bead embroidery because the wax will come off the thread on the fabric, but you can try it and decide if it works for you.
Tie a small knot at one end of the thread and add a beading needle on the other end.
Working from the backside of the embroidery foundation material (the side that does not have the pattern drawn on it), insert your needle up through the foundation material and pull so that the knot is flush against the back.
Adding Two Beads with Backstitch
Pick up two seed beads and push them down against the beading foundation. Line the beads up on your pattern or guideline and look to see where the thread is exiting the second bead. Pass your needle straight down (don't angle it!) into the embroidery foundation at the point where the thread exits the second bead. Try to keep an even tension - don't pull too tightly when stitching or your bead embroidery foundation material may pucker and your beads will not lie straight.
Ways to Use Backstitch Bead Embroidery
You can use stitches embroidery beads to create all kinds of beaded jewelry, including rings, bracelets, necklaces and earrings as well as other beaded wearables like belts, belt buckles, hair ties, and straps for musical instruments like guitars.
When working bead embroidery, let your imagination help you choose the beads that you use. Vary the sizes, shapes, and colors to add texture and interest to your bead embroidery.