가이드 for 하스스톤 for Android
많이 미흡하지만 조금씩 개선해 나갈 예정입니다.
많은 응원과 조언 부탁드리겠습니다.
가이드 for 하스스톤 메뉴
1. 덱시뮬레이터
2. 카드활용공략
3. 투기장연구실
4. 영상관
5. 나만의덱
6. 하스스톤 팬사이트
7. 앱추천 하기
Stone Hearth is a useful guide for the application of Haas Stone, related information is included useful features to help you easily be in the game as well as May be available on the smartphones.Poor little bit more, but it will continue to improve.
I would much support and advice.
Guide for Stone Hearth menu
1. Deck Simulator
2. Capture card utilization
3. Laboratory arena
4. Theater
5. Own Deck
6. Stone Hearth Fan Site
7. Recommended Apps