StarPlayer for audio book for Android
This app looks very promising but completely unusable due lack of playlist sorting ability.
Very useful , always have this app in my phone
Star player good one!!!
Cool app! Thank's!
Tried all the top rated Audio book players on google play and found them quite frustrating. This found my audio books no problem. Will pay for this when my trial period Is over. No problem!
And yes, with ads. Uninstalling.
I love this app
Every audio book player lacked some features and had another. For the first time I found one which has everything together.
Its good? But where it mentions in description if trial. Do so, its good ethically.
Wonderful , I like it
The best
정말 감사히 잘쓰고 있습니다. 이 앱을 쓴지 1년이 다되어가는 것 같네요. 정말 이만한 앱이 없는거 같아요. 이 앱응 대체할만한 앱이 없습니다. 특히 어학관련해서는요. 그런데 언제부터인가 업데이트 이후 느리게 배속을 하면 그 부분이 깨지네요. 예전엔 느린 배속에서도 정말 끊기지 않고 잘들려서 좋았는데... 다음 업데이트에 반영이 가능할까요?
Its very useful and enabled with great features
After recent upgrade, sound volume is less low than previous version.
It's very useful.
I love it. I had a hard time looking for this kind of app 'cause I really wanna make some nightcore but I CANNOT SAVE THE AUDIO. TOO SAD. :(
If the bugs were fixed then I won't hesitate to give it 5/5 stars!
This one is close to perfect. As I can set loop points to listen a part repeatedly. Only grudge, it is a bad looking app. Big star is even worse in the background.
This app looks very promising but completely unusable due lack of playlist sorting ability.
I would have buy this one if I had credit card.
Was my favorite but last update screwed it up. Wont even start now
Really enjoying using this app! And the support is pretty good too! I asked them I query by mail, and received a reply in a short while itself!
I tried a good number of podcast players and this is the first one with speed change working. Some podcasts are just too fast to follow XD
It uses CPU more than required.Can harm phone see in the task manager.Developer install frequent updates but no change happens.He is making fool.
Simple a good. No bugs lots of features.
Love the features!
Very good
Is a good up for audiobook 2 sugestion 1. Add feature for repeat list 2. Fix for fast audio the play bar for ex 100 faster - bar ends at half time, it just play till the end
I use it exclusivelly every day for more things. During walking, during biking, anywhere... To be proactive, I would suggest two features: 1. voice tags / bookmarks: to leave a voice message or comment and mark it for later 2. handsfree control - that all commands could be used with headset and react on simple voice commands: stop, bookmark, play, rewind...
Good app but does not save on sd card i have a lg E 400.
분명히 약 한달전??? 에는 넥s는 설치가 안되고 와탭에는 설치가 가능했었거든요.. 근데 오늘 공부할려고 탭 초기화후라서 탭으로 다시 받을려고 했는데;;; 지원기기가 아니라고 하네요 조금 당황스럽습니다ㅜㅜ 넥s는 고장나서 더이상 못쓰는데 이런 난감한경우가 지원기기가 몇주만에 갑자기 바껴지다니 이게 무슨일이오 의사양반 것도 둘이 뒤바뀔줄이야;; 개티용 칠탭 와탭도 다시 지원해주세요;;; 넥스가 지원 안되서 결제도 못했었는데 말이죠ㅜㅜ
It's just not user friendly. You have to select every file you want on your playlist. Find if you're listening to music, but annoying if you want to listen to a book. The interface is unattractive and there is a bizarre 'minerals' system to access some features.
처음사용할땐 복잡해보이지만 어학용,강의녹음파일 다시듣기용으론 최고의어플. 여러기능:구간반복, 찍찍이, 무음분석, 이어폰리모컨인식, 그리고 배속재생해도 음성깨지지않음. 그리고 무엇보다도 무료!!! 미네랄이라고해서 돈드는것같지만 미네랄터치만하면 공짜!! 귀찮으면 유료버전도강추!! 강의다시듣기용으로쓰는 저로썬 배속기능이 너무너무너무너무 좋아요. 다만 mp3로만재생되는 단점...ㅜㅡㅜ 그리고 배속40이랑 60 70 처럼 10단위로 다 넣어주시면좋겠어요. 가끔 30보단빠르게하고픈데 50은넘빠른감이잇어서요. 어플 정말 잘 쓰고있습니다.(이미 친구 3명 전염시켯음ㅋ 아차 그리고 이어폰리모컨인식시 여러버튼이있어도 다 한기능밖에안되죠? 예를들어 빨리감기,되감기,일시정지,재생 하고픈데 뭘눌러도 다 되감기밖에안되네요 ㅜㅡㅜ
좋은점은 제목그대로라 다른것과 비교불가네요 디지인이 딱딱하지만 사용자측면에서는 굿 전 블루투스 엘지 700 을 씁니다 그래서 앞곡 이나 뒤곡 선택과 빠른감기기능있어요 다른앱들은 다 호환이되는데 아직 스타 개발중? 음악버튼 누르면 자체뮤직앱보다 앞서 실행필요 움직이면서 듣는편이라 블루투스 기능이 하나밖에없어 안타가움 음악재생도 스타가 우선실행되었으면합니다
What is this?
I listen to lots of podcasts, and wanted something that would allow me to increase or slowdown the playback speed (for example, English FAST playback, foreign language SLOW playback!). In addition, I wanted a player with an A-B function, so I could mark off sections of a file and loop the recording. This is essential for learning musical passages, since you can for example loop the guitar solo in a song, slow it down, and have it repeated until you can play the solo yourself note-for-note - very, very useful!! StarPlayer does all of these these things very well (speed up/slow down/looping), and has another nice feature as well: you can mark off a section in an MP3 file, and save that section as an independent MP3 file. That's a lot of functionality packed into a freeware app. The developer is also very responsive - always good if you have questions or suggestions. Highly recommended.
I just would like a decent app for listening to audiobooks at double speed. Sometimes this app can do this sometimes it just doesn't work?! But the whole idea of mining diamonds is just annoying!!!
Wtf? O_o
After install. my phone (HTC inspire) did not like waking up, even when the app was not playing (but was open in background) took several attempts pressing the sleep wake button before swipe to unlock would work. The app does what it says, plays back with sped up or down audio. This is nice for audiobooks, Suggestions: UI is not intuitive, could be made better pretty easily: There are FOUR sets of ffd/rew buttons, you have to guess which one is which. Standards are not followed Track advance is normally two triangles followed by a vertical line Scan forward, usually two triangles speed up playback, usually two triangles with a subscript "2x" or three triangles There is no STOP button just play/pause. The screenshot makes it look like the play button changes to pause whenever you are playing but that did not happen in mine. Commonly the play/pause symbols are combined on a single static button. The symbols are all soft edged and rounded which makes them harder to discern at a glance. they could make the symbols sharper and smaller, leaving room for some text to clarify purpose.
by X####:
This one is close to perfect. As I can set loop points to listen a part repeatedly. Only grudge, it is a bad looking app. Big star is even worse in the background.