Samsung Gift Indonesia for Android
Before was.. "Yeay.. free gift, but, let me check the place dan read all the terms and conditions before proceed.. *enjoying the moment* ok, I've got 1 freebies from GGift.. mooom, check your GGift, mom.." Now like.. "Whoa.. free gift special for S8/S8+ owner.. *rushing* damn.. how come 999 gifts only last no more than 5seconds.. gotta be kidding me, maaaan"
The app doesn't work 90% of the time, no matter what connection I am in? I'm very curious. Do you prioritize first time users? Or maybe certain telecom provider are more favored? Having the screen stuck on "mohon tunggu" every single damn time is honestly frustrating. What a dissapointment.
The loading after entering captcha is very very long and I often ended up ran out of tickets. Can't blame the phone since I am using the latest flagship of the brand. I doubted that this review will be read by the app developer but if you read it pls consider this problem for your next update.
I cant even get the gift not for once. It was because the loading it took after entering capctha was too long, tho i use fast internet connection. I think you should fix the connection problem, how a gift went out after 1 second gotta kidding me.
Halo pengguna samsung. Perlu diketahui yg pake samsung di indo banyak banget, dan hampir semua user samsung juga selalu update all promo di samsung. Jadi harap maklum kalo sudah load tapi gagal, karena mungkin sistem juga bingung kali kalo dr sekian banyak user input promo dengan waktu yg hampir sama. Tetep coba aja. Kalo emg beruntung dapet koook. Thank u samsung❤
Slow and bad app update... mohon menunggu lama sekali padahal menggunakan wifi kecepatan 4mbps sampai tidak dapat kuponnya... love the previous one, because fast and smooth and had a refresh button... please fix the performance and i will give 5 stars... cmon samsung indonesia the update make it worse!!!
Worked a couple of times for me, but most of the time, it doesn't. Got stucked on waiting screen and when I actually wait till the end, it failed. My connection is just fine, so I'm sure it wasn't that. This app has so much potential, so I'd hope you'll fix it
App is open already but when noti come ,press it, and taken the voucher loading time long + keep saying signal not stable even take more than once already. Overall the voucher gift and life is good.
It is a good thing coming from samsung. I really appreciate it. However, i still can't think of reasons how around 1700 coupons ran out at the same minute they were offered. In my experience, this happens most of the times the gift popped out. Other times, whenever after entering captcha, it takes very long time to load and ended up failing.
Why it's keep shutting down... I'm using Samsung S6 edge and I already give feedback... But nothing changes... I cannot open the application
Laggy. Although the promos are good and interesting. When it comes to claiming the promos it always said it failed and must retry. But after several retry it still can't be claimed. Feels like I was being teased by samsung
Tlg diperbaiki aplikasinya terutama kolom GIFT. Mau dapat tiket nonton ama makan gratis aja. Udah di submit harus nunggu dan dianggap tidak masuk antrian. Giliran yg LIFE pas mau ambil udah langsung masuk antrian. Padahal yg LIFE isinya ampas
Bbrp klo yg kategori LIFE msh bsa dpt. Klo yg GIFT baru muncul notif lgs kita ambil sering lama loading atau gagal submit kodenya. Pas kita refresh udah abis aja jd saya gak pnah dpt yg di kategori GIFT
Why the notification always late. It shown up after the tickets run out. Why not pop up early notificatin for samsung gift only????????? SO DISSAPOINTED INST THIS APP!!!
First, I think it is a cool apps. I don't understand about 'how to get the gift'. It is always loading and loading for long time but I'm totally sure I am in a stable connection.
Thank to samsung for all gift everyday. But, actually i really like with a gifts last year, its more variable than this year (to many voucher). For your improvement, maybe don't push user to connect with FB or Twitter, coz some people don't have that. Or maybe can choose one of that.
Its nice app. But not easy to get a free gift. Sometimes connection error
Tidak bisa buka aplikasi / Samsung galaxy gift has stopped (galaxy s7 owner). Udh update brp kali tetep ga bisa
Uda sedikit better than before, cuma loading image masih suka lama.. Begitu device di restart lsg keluar image yg sebelumnya ga utuh, begitu terus seterusnya. Cek punya temen yg pake marshmallow ga masalah pas loading image..
The app sometimes doesn't work. When i got some voucher. And i get fast, i have to wait for very long time. And then it's suddenly show message failed or the voucher was sold out.
Jaringan internet saya bagus malah sangat bagus tapi kenapa app ini pengambilan free gift sangat susah secepat apapun saya klik. Dan untuk refresh halaman saja lama sekali. Saya harus tutup aplikasi kemudian buka lagi dan tiba tiba stok free guft nya kosong. So sad
Worse. Loadingnya ga nahaaaannnn, signal 4G penuh dan lancar mendadak ilang koneksi pas abis masukin captcha. Hadeehhhhh
I seldom get gift. Because it always failed. Any suggest?
Enak bgt pake samsung gr2 ada GG.. bnykin promo nya ya.. sekalian perbaiki applikasinya kadang suka error soalnya. Pas mau redeem tb2 app nya restart trus.. tampilan promo kupon yg didapat di breakdown aja per tgl biar gmpg liatnya.
Please help. Today, i can't log in with my facebook id. I lost all my coupon. Error always "fail to log in. Try again" I tried many times and always like that. But when i tried to log in with gmail is succesfull but still my coupon is empty
FITUR SAMPAH! Bagian LIFE selalu dapat, tapi bagian GIFT selalu loading, error, sampe kupon nya habis baru bertuliskan "coba lagi?" . HP mahal aplikasi kok gembel, payah samsung
It keeps saying cannot connect to the server...although i have already re -install several times...i still cannot use this app. Please fix this
Update terakhir selalu crash dan apps ga bisa terbuka sama sekali, saya pemakai galaxy s8
When i want to take a coupon it always loading so lame .. but my internet speed is good, so sometimes i cant claim coupob altough i was the first.. please fix it .. and i give 5
Apa apaan sih, gatau ini samsung gift niat bagi" apa ngga, uda ditungguin daritadi, muncul notif juga langsung klik ambil. Loading lama banget, uda masuk antrian. 2 menit kemudian liat vouchernya masi ada tp aku ga dapet". Eh malah tiba" abis. Tolong dong ini gimana sih. Padahal dulunya bagus skrg ntah jadi apaan
4.4, really? I think it's the worst app in my phone, why people love an app that's wasting time, never got for once...I doubt for the free voucher, took so long to process and wait and wait and eventually, you realize that you'll never get free things, wasting time, since then never use it...but in play store 4.4? Really? Give me a break
Good deal samsung. Thanks for the gift. But Sometimes it's so hard to get the gift because always loading when i try to get the gifts.
Dear samsung dan samsumg gift, please semakin diperbarui kenapa eroor ya? Dan loadingn lama, padahal jaringaku full loh daa full wifi jua terkdng. Huft
Mungkin waktu pemberian gift nya jangan monoton pagi aja kali ya, karena ada yang lagi beraktifitas ga sempet liat. Notifnya misalkan pas jam makan siang gitu. Overall bagus sihh
Belakangan ini jumlah kuota vouchernya sdh ditingkatkan sehingga kemungkinan dpt semakin besar, thx samsung semoga utk kedepannya semakin ditingkatkan lagi kualitas aplikasinya
Good . Aku sukaaa sama aplikasi ini yg sering beri aku gratis makan dan minuman
Terimakasih gift nya samsung...
Tampilan aplikasi yg baru terlalu rame, bikin bingung. Begitu buka aplikasi nya juga waktu loadingnya lama banget, pas geser ke bawah buat refresh juga ga helping banget, lama banget loadingnya, hari ini malah ga ada notifnya.tampilan buat masukin code nya terlalu panjang ketutup keyboard tombol OKnya..jadi makan waktu lebih lama..mending tampilan yang lama deh
by M####:
I revised my appreciation to this apps from 5 to 3 star, it seems that samsung in scale of priority had not fair enough. Why the S version had more offered and they always let the s version to get the coupon forst then followed by a, c, etc version. And also sometimes the apps rebooted by itself without any announcement. I used to like it but not a little bit dissapointed