صراحة مشاهير العالم

صراحة مشاهير العالم Free App

Rated 5.00/5 (1) —  Free Android application by KING MASTER

About صراحة مشاهير العالم

أول تطبيق يعرض حسابات المشاهير على موقع صراحة (صارح اللي نفسك فيه)
شخصيات عالمية
رجال اعمال
رؤساء دول
لوضع حسابك في التطبيق برجاء مراسلتنا على البريد الالكتروني
شرح موقع صراحة
هل أنت مستعد لمواجهة الصراحة؟
معرفة آراء الآخرين في أشخاصنا تدفعنا في بعض الأحيان إلى تطوير الذات.
احصل على نقد بناء بسرية تامة من زملائك في العمل وأصدقائك.

في العمل :
عزز نقاط القوة لديك
عالج نقاط ضعفك

مع أصدقائك:
عزز صداقاتك بمعرفة مزاياك وعيوبك
مكّن أصحابك من مصارحتك

تعتمد فكرته على إتاحة الفرصة للمشترك في الحصول على نقد بناء بسرية تامة من زملاء العمل والأصدقاء، دون أن يعرف هويتهم ، فما المشاكل النفسية التي يمكن أن تسببها المصارحة مجهولة المصدر؟ وكيف تتعامل معها لتجنب هذه المشاكل؟. الإجابة على الاستفسارات السابقة من خلال خبراء في الطب النفسي والعلاقات الإنسانية، بالإضافة إلى عدد من الشباب، كانت هذة معلوماتنا المتوفرة عن موقع صراحة وقد تكون دائرة معارفك لا تتحدث عنه لكن الأكيد أن الموقع قد توقف عدة مرات نتيجة الإقبال الهائل و مؤسس موقع صراحة هو زين العابدين توفيق وهو مبرمج سعودي ومؤسس موقع @Sarahah_com خريج جامعة البترول الظهران، السعودية.

The first application displays the celebrity accounts on the site explicitly (blatantly you yourself in it)
World figures
Heads of State
To place your account in the application please email us
Explicitly explain the site
Are you ready to face frankness?
Knowing the opinions of others in our people sometimes drives us to self-development.
Get constructive cash from your colleagues and friends.

at work :
Boost your strengths
Address your weaknesses

with your friends:
Boost your friendships by knowing your advantages and disadvantages
Enable your friends from your garage

His idea is to allow the participant to obtain constructive criticism from co-workers and friends, without knowing who they are. What psychological problems can an anonymous person bring about? And how to deal with them to avoid these problems ?. The answer to previous inquiries through experts in psychiatry and human relations, in addition to a number of young people, this information was available on the site frankly may be your circle of acquaintances do not talk about it, but it is certain that the site has stopped several times due to the huge demand and the founder of the site frankly is Zain Abidine Tawfiq is a Saudi programmer and founder of @Sarahah_com, a graduate of Petroleum University Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. The first application presents celebrity accounts expressly site (Sarh yourself who it)
World figures
Heads of State
To put your application please send us an e-mail
Explanation expressly site
Are you ready to face candor?
To know the opinions of others in Ochksna pushing us sometimes to self-improvement.
Get constructive criticism in total secrecy of your colleagues and your friends.

at work :
Boosted your strengths
Treat your weaknesses

with your friends:
Enhanced knowledge of friendships and weaknesses Mzayak
Enabled friends of Massarank

Based on the idea of ​​allowing the subscriber to receive constructive criticism in total secrecy of co-workers and friends, without knowing their identity, what psychological problems that can be caused by an unknown source of openness? And how to deal with them to avoid these problems? The answer to the previous inquiries by experts in psychiatry and human relations, in addition to a number of young people, this was our information available on the expressly site may be your acquaintances circle do not talk about but it is certain that the site has stopped several times as a result of the huge turnout and the founder of the site is expressly Zain Ali Tawfiq, a Saudi programmer and founder of the site @Sarahah_com graduate of the University of Petroleum Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.

The first application displays the celebrity accounts on the site explicitly (blatantly you yourself in it)
World figures
Heads of State
To place your account in the application please email us
Explicitly explain the site
Are you ready to face frankness?
Knowing the opinions of others in our people sometimes drives us to self-development.
Get constructive cash from your colleagues and friends.

at work:
Boost your strengths
Address your weaknesses

with your friends:
Boost your friendships by knowing your advantages and disadvantages
Enable your friends from your garage

His idea is to allow the participant to obtain constructive criticism from co-workers and friends, without knowing who they are. What psychological problems can an anonymous person bring about? And how to deal with them to avoid these problems?. The answer to previous inquiries through experts in psychiatry and human relations, in addition to a number of young people, this information was available on the site frankly may be your circle of acquaintances do not talk about it, but it is certain that the site has stopped several times due to the huge demand and the founder of the site frankly is Zain Abidine Tawfiq is a Saudi programmer and founder of @Sarahah_com, a graduate of Petroleum University Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.

How to Download / Install

Download and install صراحة مشاهير العالم version 1.0 on your Android device!
Downloaded N/A times, content rating: Not rated
Android package: com.srarhahmshaheer, download صراحة مشاهير العالم.apk

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