Retune for Android
This app is so amazing I love remotely controlling my iTunes library. The only problem I'm experiencing is not being able to rate songs through the app. (Since I've posted this I've come to realize that I was attempting to rate songs which were playing off of an iPod connected to the computer running iTunes. I am able to rate songs that are in my local library) The stars are there but they remain unclickable. Please address this issue.
This app is amazing! However, upon acquiring my new Android LG G5, the app simply does not work. If my library is already playing a song and I select a different song, it will merely pause the music and I cannot get it to do anything else... Update: I have very limited control of play/pause and the next/previous song buttons...however, I cannot select songs from any list.
Excellent app and works well. Shame it doesn't currently work with android 'nougat', so I'm using it on an old phone using android 'kit kat'. Also would be nice if there was a 'now playing' button somewhere on the home screen for convenience, but hey, it's free and it works. Just hoping an update comes soon so it can work on 'nougat' and I can install it on my current phone. It would then get full stars!
First off let me say the dev for this app is awesome. Very helpful and patient. Recently however the app doesn't function as desired, when searching for artists and songs it pulls into lists of all albums instead of just albums and songs by that artist. Not sure why. Nor does it let me play songs, I've DC'd and retried to no avail.
Really nice! I can find the album I just imported to iTunes with my android device easier than I can with my wife's iPhone! Tiny glitch when starting to play a new song, but since this is free, give stars! Moto G 4 play Android 6.0.1, iTunes 12.
This thing worked within seconds. No bull. No fuss. It's awesome, and really well done software design. This guy is making other professionals look bad. Haha. Definitely, if you can, consider leaving him a donation! I know I will.
I have been using this app for around a year and initially it worked really well. Since my phone updated to Android 7 the app no longer cues media. It gives error messages such as error code: 500 when trying to cue from the app. If I start the film in itunes I can pause and resume from retune as before.
Seriously apple sort it out, can't even make software for your own products. This always works, connects quicker and allow use of volume buttons which iphones do not allow. C'mon apple, nothing's sadder than when third parties do your job better than you
Could you make it so that I can exit out the app completely and not try to reconnect to iTunes in the background? Keeps saying "connecting to library" on my lock screen even after I've closed iTunes. Other than that, the app works flawlessly!
Had a different app about a year ago. It would lose connection with iTunes on my Mac randomly. Discovered this little beauty a couple of weeks ago and it works flawlessly. Does everything my iPhone remote app does. Even multiple speakers. The interface is intuitive and full featured. Unfortunately this has stopped connecting to my iTunes library. Uninstalled and reinstalled it to no avail. Frustrated.
Its great.....but lately it wont work. Everytime i go to an artist it gives me every album in my library and i cant pick songs all i can do is next them i feel its the update to the new samsung phones but hipefully its fixed soon i really love this app
This app is so much better than the iTunes version. Indispensable with my Airplay set-up. So much so that Retunes is in the top arguments to retain iTunes v. 11.1. Don't know how it behaves with later versions as developers last update in Feb. 2014.
App was working perfectly for the last 3 years.. after the latest update I am not able to search anymore. If i get Into any album or artist it displays all songs and albums of my library and not the one I search for :?
Great app! But: this app doesn't work well with latest itunes. It fails to play albums, just jumps in to the playlists instead. Should be updated because, it worked perfefectly until now.
This app is beautiful, extremely well made and efficient. However, it hasnt been updated in years and now has issues with more recent versions of Samsung phones. I sadly must find an alternative and greatly wish this developer would update this app
This app works great, making the remote as native to android as it can get. However, the only thing "missing" is the integration of S View and it's media controls. Other than that it is an incredible development. The integration with physical buttons controlling itunes and the lock screen integration works well with users looking for easy access to the remote library. Connecting the remote to iTunes was unexpectedly easy. Will recommend it to others. Well done guys.
I am a DJ and I use ITunes to play my music. I was always tied to the computer. This amazing app let's me step away and still have everything in control. So many great features!!! No lag if you have a strong and fast Internet connection. Overall great app. ~~~ The only problem I have is when I turn down the volume remotely it seems to only turn down the treble and keep the bass. Is this normal?
Exactly what I was looking for. Connected even faster than iPhone with iTunes on my PC. Very responsive. Very helpful for those who switch to android. Edit: Just found out the volume buttons feature. They don't even have that on the ios app. This has to be one of the most thoughtful apps out there.
Could you make it so that I can exit out the app completely and not try to reconnect to iTunes in the background? Keeps saying "connecting to library" on my lock screen even after I've closed iTunes. Other than that, the app works flawlessly!
At first it worked, but now it won't connect to my Mac. Gonna try an uninstall-reinstall & see if that helps. Hope so: it was a really cool app before. So I reinstalled and as of the first use, it connected almost immediately, responds far, so good :-) I'll increase from 1 star to 3 for now.
It works ok for what it can do. Will give 5 full stars if updating the songs doesn't need reconnecting to itunes again, and sometimes it's hard to pair up and i would have to reconnect the wifi connection of my mac. And when changing songs the song title on my phone's display is sometimes delayed at switching names. UI is ok, but still has a lot of room for improvent, and also the functionality to control itunes' equalizer would be sweet.
I was excited thinking my Asus tablet would play my laptop's itunes library on its speakers but it plays the songs on the laptop... I'm not that lazy in my bedroom, I can get up to play songs lol could u make the speakers option two way so I can hear my songs on my tablet instead? Ty :-):-)
Seriously apple sort it out, can't even make software for your own products. This always works, connects quicker and allow use of volume buttons which iphones do not allow. C'mon apple, nothing's sadder than when third parties do your job better than you
I gave it a break and came back and it works so well. I love it. Only a few little things would make it better like adding chapter features to podcasts. For example, seeing the current chapter and skipping between chapters rather than skipping to the next podcast or going back 30seconds. Great app.
Ive been using the app for a long time, either the latest version of itunes or the app. I have to remove my library and add it back everytime. I factory reset my AP uninstallled and reinstalled the app in my tablet and phone. Still love it!!! It is alot more responsive than Unified Remote.
This app is so amazing I love remotely controlling my iTunes library. The only problem I'm experiencing is not being able to rate songs through the app. The stars are there but they remain unclickable. Please address this issue.
I can only assume this bug has to do with the app not being updated since 2014. When I choose an artist it shows me ALL albums not just ones by that artist. Fix this and it's 5 stars.
This app is totally brilliant! It works way better than the Apple Remote for iOS, I can't believe it has so many functions and options. I have it running on my Note Pro12.2 and it works perfectly, it's so good I sent the seller a PayPal donation - not very often you get such a well designed app for free.... Just one thing in the whole UI that I don't understand - what does the box with the spirals inside it do???
Android Lollipop Nexus 5 to Mac Yosemite iTunes 12. Nice interface, thank you! I was trying to get my old IR remote to work, out of date!
An app that does exactly what it says it will. Full interactivity with iTunes. Simple remote setup and go. Only option I'd like to see in the future is to tell my computer to start iTunes...
Had a different app about a year ago. It would lose connection with iTunes on my Mac randomly. Discovered this little beauty a couple of weeks ago and it works flawlessly. Does everything my iPhone remote app does. Even multiple speakers. The interface is intuitive and full featured.
This app is the best first time I connected to iTunes didn't have any problems and since then I have not had any problems. Even if this app was worth $100 I'll still pay for it. The range is awesome I can be upstairs and still change or shuffle my playlist.
As you know itunes 12 has been released. Till now, i'm still not able to add library from itunes on my computer.
A lot better than some. But it's bizarre how developers will neglect rudimentary features, in this case the ability to clear the whole up next list. Also, there's no way to list all songs by an artist. Rather, it insists on album view. No way to add a single song from an album to a play list while viewing all the album tracks. The app insists on adding that song and every one after it.
Made the switch from iPhone to Android, only thing I miss was the "remote" app. Now my switchover has absolutely 0 regrets. This app seamless replaces "remote" app and controls iTunes just as good. On ly thing I don't like is hours after I exit the app my lock screen shows the "connecting" screen. Needs a way to exit the app and kill all processes on the home or options screen or something like that. Do this and it's 5+ stars.
A great free app that works well controlling my library from my phone. Great for when you’re playing something full-screen, or you’re using your music library to entertain and don’t want to go running back to your computer to change things. I like that it allows me to rate songs, shuffle my library, and even plan the order of what’s coming up next. An unexpected treat. The only slight problem (which I actually think is on the iTunes end rather than the Retune end), is that it fairly often disconnects from iTunes and has to be reset manually with the code iTunes supplies for tethered devices.
This is a reaaly well done app! It is so much better than Apple Remote for iOS. I used to have an iBrick and was sad to habe lost the ability to reomotely control my iTunes when I switched to my Samsumg phone. Oh how wrong I was! Retune is perfect! I have yet to find an issue. Bravo!
It controls iTunes beautifully, which is all it is meant to do. Others complaining about its lack of functionality here should also write to Adobe and tell them that Photoshop would be better if it included a word processor. Responsive and helpful dev!
This app goes above and beyond for a free app! I cant believe how smoothly it controls my iTunes Library, I have a home speaker system set up across my house so I ussualy have to keep walking back into my room to change the music but this is perfect! It even pauses my music when I get a phone call! LOVE LOVE LOVE
by T####:
My Sony Z1 phone can control my Itunes when my computer is on & iTunes is open. That is seriously cool... Really amazingly cool. It even appears in the pulldown/Notification section on the phone for instant interface! I can't believe how well this works with an Apple product, I haven't been able to get an Apple product to work correctly in 2 years so kudos for cracking the code even Apple couldn't.